January 15, 2019

Tackling Toxic Chemicals in New Hampshire’s Drinking Water

by Tom Irwin

CLF and our partners are calling on state leaders across New England to step in to protect our drinking water – and our health – from dangerous chemicals.

Crazymedia via Shutterstock
January 14, 2019

Our Best Weapon in the Fight Against Climate Change? Strong Climate Laws

by Greg Cunningham

In the face of the Trump administration’s continued attempts to roll back regulations aimed at curbing climate change, state and local governments must step in. In 2019, it’s essential that we make real progress at a local level to lower polluting emissions. The science is clear: If we don’t collectively cut our climate-damaging emissions to… Continue reading Our Best Weapon in the Fight Against Climate Change? Strong Climate Laws

strong climate laws can help protect New England from climate change
January 11, 2019

CLF Responds to Calls for More Gas Pipelines

by Bradley Campbell

CLF responds to a Boston Globe editorial calling for more gas pipelines at a time when emissions are rising and the negative effects of gas are abundantly clear.

January 9, 2019

There are Toxic Chemicals in Our Drinking Water

by Sean Mahoney

In communities from Houlton, Maine, to Flint, Michigan, the safety of our drinking water can no longer be taken for granted. The newest threat comes from a suite of human-made chemicals collectively known as PFAS – per- and polyfuoroalkyl substances. These dangerous chemicals do not break down over time; they remain in the environment –… Continue reading There are Toxic Chemicals in Our Drinking Water

Vizaphoto Photographer via Shutterstock
January 9, 2019

The Year Ahead at the Vermont State House

by Jen Duggan

CLF is focused on cutting carbon and plastic pollution, protecting our children from lead poisoning, and securing funding to clean up Lake Champlain.

Lake Champlain, Vermont
January 9, 2019

How Much Do You Really Know About Gas?

by Bethany Kwoka

The Big Gas industry talks about fracked gas as a “clean” alternative to polluting fossil fuels like coal or oil. But how much do we really know about it as a fuel source? Test your knowledge with this 2-minute quiz.

gas is a dangerous fossil fuel that contributes to climate change
January 8, 2019

Free Guide Takes Guesswork Out of Hiring for Rhode Island Farmers

by Erica Kyzmir-McKeon

Sarah Turkus knows firsthand how difficult it can be to navigate complex legal issues while running a busy small farm. Sarah has been a farmer and youth educator since 2010 and, in her latest endeavor, manages a nonprofit cooperative farm that opened in 2018. In preparing for the farm’s launch, Sarah wanted to ensure that… Continue reading Free Guide Takes Guesswork Out of Hiring for Rhode Island Farmers

January 4, 2019

Cold Snap Shows We Still Don’t Need New Gas Pipelines

by Greg Cunningham

Following a week of mild temperatures, New England is bracing for the cold to come. Last year, we weathered the worst cold snap that we’d faced in 100 years, complete with a new phenomenon known as a “bomb cyclone.” Now don’t be mistaken, this “bomb cyclone” did not involve Armageddon, the sky falling, or even blackouts… Continue reading Cold Snap Shows We Still Don’t Need New Gas Pipelines

cold snaps don't mean we need more pipelines in New England
December 21, 2018

Got Holiday Dinner Leftovers? Here’s What to Do with Them

by Kirstie Pecci

Food waste can be terribly damaging to the environment. CLF’s Zero Waste Project has some tried and true tips for minimizing your food waste this holiday season.

December 21, 2018

Endangering Everett

by Chloe Fross

Along the banks of the Mystic River lies a huge petroleum storage terminal. Belonging to corporate giant ExxonMobil, the Everett Terminal borders the Island End and Mystic rivers on one side – and family homes on the other. ExxonMobil is putting both at risk.