June 14, 2019

Help Overturn Governor Sununu’s Clean Energy Veto

by Melissa Birchard

Governor Sununu recently vetoed a critical clean energy bill that will boost solar power and help control energy costs in New Hampshire. Legislators now have an important opportunity to override this veto and ensure this key bill becomes law.

New Hampshire Statehouse
June 14, 2019

Polluted Runoff Threatens Charles River

by Caitlin Peale Sloan

The next time it rains, take a close look at puddles in a parking lot. You’ll likely see an unsettling rainbow shimmer of oil. That oil doesn’t stay put in those puddles. Instead, the rain pushes it over the asphalt and into the nearest body of water, gathering other pollutants as it goes. The Charles… Continue reading Polluted Runoff Threatens Charles River

June 14, 2019

Maine Looks to Strong Solar Policy and Renewable Energy Growth

by Emily Green

Governor Mills reinstated net metering, and the Maine legislature is now considering two important renewable energy bills.

Good solar policy is important for the success of clean energy.
June 11, 2019

Why Clean, Renewable Energy Is Ready for Primetime

by Jerry Elmer

In spite of its critics, clean, renewable energy continues to come down in price and become better able to handle the demands of our electricity grid.

Clean, renewable energy like wind and solar are ramping up in New England.
June 10, 2019

The Seacoast Reliability Project Threatens Public Waters for Private Gain

by Tom Irwin

The Great Bay estuary is special. It’s where we love to kayak, where our local oysters come from, where we can hike and see ospreys fishing and eagles soaring. To protect the estuary, CLF and several communities have been making progress on the most significant direct sources of water pollution – sewage treatment plants. But now that progress could be undermined. Eversource Energy wants to build a new transmission line through the estuary, plowing through Little Bay and putting the health of the estuary at risk. We’re concerned – as are countless Seacoast residents – and are fighting to ensure the estuary’s health.

Little Bay
June 5, 2019

State Approval of Landfill Expansion is Illegal

by Alyssa Rayman-Read

Wheelabrator cannot be allowed to ignore those whose lives are most directly affected by its proposal to expand its massive ash landfill in Saugus, Massachusetts.

Wheelabrator Saugus Landfill
June 3, 2019

Video: Saving the North Atlantic Right Whale

by Conservation Law Foundation

North Atlantic right whales are one of the most endangered whales on the planet. This iconic species could go extinct in our lifetime, but it’s still within our power to save them. Meet the people using the power of the law, science, and photography to save the right whale — and join us in the fight.

Right whale - protect right whales from vessel strikes
May 17, 2019

National Research Study Affirms Connections Between Health and Housing

by Maggie Church

New England has a housing crisis – and it’s impacting our health. These are the findings of the latest County Health Rankings, a project of the University of Wisconsin and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The study found that housing affordability and quality are major influencers of health here in New England.

Playground at Chelsea Flats
May 17, 2019

Tailpipe Pollution is Harming Our Children’s Health

by Alyssa Rayman-Read

Tailpipe pollution from idling vehicles wreaks havoc on our environment and our health. Laws to prevent excessive idling are rarely enforced, so CLF is stepping in to hold New England’s biggest tailpipe polluters accountable.

May 16, 2019

Living with Lead Poisoning: One Mother’s Story

by Conservation Law Foundation

This commentary by a Vermont mom in Saint George is being published anonymously to protect the privacy of her child. No level of lead is safe. Vermont legislators are right now considering legislation that would require all schools and childcare centers to test for lead and fix the problem if it’s found.  When our daughter… Continue reading Living with Lead Poisoning: One Mother’s Story
