September 2, 2020

10 Zero Waste Tips to Slash Trash in Your Life

Making any life change takes time, and the same goes for slashing your trash – including what goes in your recycling bin. That’s why we’ve put together this list of tips to help you get started.

go zero waste to slash your trash
September 1, 2020

Infographic: What Should You Be Composting in Your Backyard?

by Olivia Synoracki

Food and yard waste hurt our economy and environment. But home composting can help! Get your backyard compost started using these handy guidelines.

compost bin with food scraps
August 31, 2020

Infographic: 5 Items You Can Repurpose at Home

by Olivia Synoracki

One of the best ways to slash your trash is to reuse or repurpose what you already have, rather than buying something new. Check out this infographic and see how you can give these five items new life.

glass jars storing leftovers
August 28, 2020

Slash Your Trash and Advocate for Zero Waste

by Olivia Synoracki

For too long we’ve relied on outdated and polluting systems to deal with our trash. What we need are new, sustainable systems that aim to reduce the trash in our lives, while protecting our people and our planet. And we can make that happen right now.

compost bin with food scraps
August 25, 2020

Guest Blog: Trump Rollbacks on Water Protection Threaten My Family Business

by Tom Caron

Tom Caron is a co-owner of Tall Timber, a hunting and fishing lodge at the headwaters of the Connecticut River. The far reaches of northern New Hampshire are home to the headwaters of New England’s great Connecticut River. At 410 miles in length, the Connecticut forms the boundary of New Hampshire and Vermont, then flows… Continue reading Guest Blog: Trump Rollbacks on Water Protection Threaten My Family Business

Tall Timber Connecticut River
August 20, 2020

Waste Incineration is an Environmental Justice Issue

by Giselle Barahona

Communities across New England deal with the crude repercussions of local incinerators every day. As long we allow these facilities to operate, they will continue to poison our planet and our people.

incineration plant near neighborhoods
August 13, 2020

Is New Hampshire School Drinking Water Safe?

by Beatrice Burack

At a time of great concern about the COVID-19 pandemic and the potential risks posed to students, teachers, and families, it’s important not to lose sight of a lingering, ongoing health problem – one that can have lifelong consequences for our kids, but that is easily preventable: lead-contaminated drinking water.   

August 10, 2020

New England, and the Climate Crisis, Is Heating Up

by Bethany Kwoka

UPDATE: Temperatures across the Northeast have soared this summer. As emissions rise and climate change worsens, extreme heat becomes more common and more people face these deadly conditions. We need to take action to prevent things from getting even worse — and to help those most affected.

The climate crisis is causing heat waves around the world
August 6, 2020

Rhode Island Is Sending Valuable Food Waste to a Landfill

by Emma Cotnoir

Rescuing and diverting more of Rhode Island’s food waste could help cut climate-damaging emissions while urgently addressing food insecurity within the state.

compost pile
August 5, 2020

Hurricanes and the Pandemic: Preparing for Dual Disasters

by Carol Gregory

Amid a raging pandemic, one that is hitting Black and Brown communities particularly hard, already-vulnerable communities find themselves even more threatened by the possibility of a significant storm hitting Massachusetts. That makes it more imperative than ever that we plan now for the storm season still to come.

Storm drives water high along Boston Harbor