March 5, 2021

What You Need to Know About Zero Waste

by Kirstie Pecci

Is the systemic idea of Zero Waste actually possible? Yes! But to do so, we need to stop looking at Zero Waste as just a lifestyle and start looking at it as a strategic concept for managing our waste – and tackling the trash crisis.

zero waste refill shop
February 8, 2021

3 Ways North Atlantic Right Whales Help Solve Climate Change

by Sophia Ly

From the second they are born to their last breath, North Atlantic right whales help our climate by making our ocean more resilient. We need to push for their protection so that they can do their part in helping to create a greater future for all.

North Atlantic right whales help our climate and make our ocean more resilient. We must push for better protections to protect our valuable partners in this fight. Photo: NOAA
February 5, 2021

EPA Grant Helps People, Industry, and the Environment Thrive

by Kelsey Salmon Schreck

In 2020, the EPA awarded CLF a DERA grant to partner with New York Cruise Lines, Inc. Grant recipient shares how this $1.8 million grant makes a difference for the community, the environment, and the cruise industry.

CLF and New York Cruise Lines, Inc. leverage EPA grant to invest in creative solutions that work for the environment, the community, and the company's bottom line. Photo: New York Cruise Lines, Inc.
January 29, 2021

Biden’s First Days: Promises Made, Promises Still to Keep

by Bradley Campbell

Biden’s flurry of executive orders addressing climate change, conservation, and environmental justice has us optimistic. Now we must ensure his administration follows through and turns these orders into meaningful and actionable policy.

First 100 Days
January 27, 2021

Biden’s Federal Flood Protections Are Positive Step But Local Action Needed, Too

by Deanna Moran

Advocates cheered when President Biden reinstated the Obama-era flood protection standard among his first acts in office. The Biden administration is sending a clear signal that building according to climate patterns of the past is no longer acceptable – we must acknowledge and address increasingly frequent and extreme flooding caused by climate change. Reinstating the federal standard is a critical first step for increasing our national infrastructure’s climate resilience – one that signals the urgent need for action here at home.

Tropical Storm Irene Floods Buildings in Quechee Vermont
January 27, 2021

Guest Post: Will Developers Slow the Path to Net Zero?

by Joan Fitzgerald

Cities with aggressive climate standards are running into roadblocks. Achieving these goals will require strong building energy codes and ending the use of fossil fuels in buildings and homes. We’re starting to see that neither the natural gas utilities nor the real estate industry will sit by quietly as cities and states enforce stronger building codes and ban natural gas infrastructure in new construction.

Boston Seaport construction
January 26, 2021

An Ambitious Climate Action Plan Makes Progress in Maine

by Emily Green

Maine has finalized its Climate Action Plan. Now, the work to implement the goals outlined in the plan and get Maine on track to slash emissions before 2030, begins.

Maine's Climate Action Plan directs the state on how to slash emissions
January 21, 2021

Biden Climate Team Promises New Path Forward for Our Country

by Sean Mahoney

When President Joe Biden formally announced his administration’s climate team this month, you could almost hear the collective sigh of relief from people not just in our country but around the globe. Biden’s nominees will be charged with implementing his “ambitious plan to address the existential threat of our time: climate change.”

An image of the exterior of the White House
January 15, 2021

Governor Baker Rejects Climate and Justice Legislation

by Caitlin Peale Sloan

Massachusetts legislators overwhelmingly passed critical climate and justice legislation. But Governor Baker vetoed the bill – choosing not only to ignore sound science, but also to let decades of racist policy targeting low-income, Black, and Brown communities go unchallenged.

The Massachusetts State House
January 14, 2021

Donald Trump Incited a Riot. Now He and His Mob Must Be Held Accountable.

by Bradley Campbell

Last week, we witnessed a violent display of white supremacy at the U.S. Capitol – a calculated threat to our democracy incited by our sitting president and his unrepentant allies. As an organization dedicated to the rule of law, we at CLF are demanding the thorough investigation, prosecution, and punishment of all of those connected to it – from the inciter-in-chief to those acting at his urging.

Rioters Storm the U.S. Capitol on Jan 6