April 22, 2021

Chauvin Verdict Delivers Accountability But Not Justice

by Bradley Campbell

Tuesday’s verdict was one welcome step toward change. But at CLF, we believe that real progress lies in systemic policy change that will break down the racist systems that have been in place for generations – ending white supremacy in this country.

Protest of George Floyd's Killing
April 15, 2021

Five Questions for… David Abel

by Adilson González Morales

As a reporter for The Boston Globe and a documentary filmmaker, David Abel casts light on serious environmental issues by crafting compelling stories that inspire action.

David Abel
April 8, 2021

Biden Administration Tackles Energy and More in New Infrastructure Plan

by Nick Krakoff

Biden’s infrastructure package represents a critical investment in our future, infusing much-needed funding to ramp up New England’s transition to a carbon-free economy by 2050.

President Biden recently announced his infrastructure plan
April 2, 2021

Resident Researchers Find Data-Driven Solutions, Unexpected Friendships, and Opportunities To Heal From Within

by Adilson González Morales

Resident Researcher, Carl Baty, shares how the Healthy Neighborhoods Study is turning research into action and disagreements into long-lasting friendships in his community.

Carl-Baty - resident researcher at Healthy Neighborhood Study
April 2, 2021

Plastic Waste Washes Up in Maine – All the Way from Europe

by Peter Blair

On December 2, 2020, a ship carrying plastic waste from abroad was being unloaded when 5,000 pounds were lost to Maine’s Penobscot Bay. The spill sparked outrage and left many people asking the same question: Why is the U.S., which generates the most plastic waste globally, importing even more plastic waste?

plastic waste washes ashore
April 1, 2021

Enough Analysis. It’s Time for Action to Protect Right Whales from Vessel Strikes

by Adilson González Morales

Regulators have known for more than 20 years that vessel strikes kill right whales at an alarming rate. But to date, they haven’t put forward a real solution.

Right whale - protect right whales from vessel strikes
April 1, 2021

Our Utilities Are Falling Down on Climate. Here’s Why They Need to Step Up.

by Johanna Epke

No state here in New England has required its utilities to assess their vulnerability to climate change – or take action to prepare for it. With our homes, lives, and livelihoods at stake, allowing utilities to be so unprepared is irresponsible and simply too big a risk to take. CLF is pushing to change that – starting with Massachusetts.

Lower Manhattan Power Outage During Hurricane Sandy
April 1, 2021

Vermont Moves to Ban Toxic Forever Chemicals in Food Containers and More

by Jen Duggan

Vermonters have said no to lead, BPA, mercury, flame retardants, and more in our consumer products. Now it’s time to tackle toxic PFAS chemicals.

fast food packaging
March 30, 2021

Will 2021 Be the Year Rhode Island Acts on Climate?

by Amy Moses

UPDATE: The Rhode Island legislature passed the Act On Climate 2021 bill, which will put the state on track to lowering its climate-damaging emissions and help Rhode Islanders benefit from the transition to a clean energy economy. After a final review, the bill will go to Governor McKee to sign into law.

Advocates at the State House urge Rhode Island to act on climate
March 26, 2021

Massachusetts Makes History on Climate and Environmental Justice

by Caitlin Peale Sloan

After years of advocacy from CLF and our partners, Massachusetts has passed a critical climate and environmental justice bill that updates our existing climate law and adds protections for historically marginalized communities.

The front of the Massachusetts State House, with the gold dome visible in front of blue sky