March 15, 2022

Companies Scheme to Profit Off Maine’s Out-of-State Waste Loophole

by Peter Blair

Through a loophole in Maine’s law, two companies have been colluding to import and bury out-of-state waste at the Juniper Ridge Landfill. With their scheme laid bare, both companies are spreading myths to confuse legislators and the public. We’re here to bust those myths and explain why we need to close this loophole once and for all.

Landfill construction and demolition debris
March 10, 2022

Five Elements of a Strong Producer Responsibility for Packaging Bill

by Peter Blair

A typical trip to the store means leaving with more than I came for. Why? Because everything is needlessly wrapped in layers and layers of packaging. We can and must hold companies responsible for the waste they create. And we can do that through a modern Producer Responsibility for Packaging Law.

pile of packaging waste
March 7, 2022

Rhode Islanders Oppose Plan to Dismantle Its Largest Transit Hub

by Juanita Gibson

A plan to dismantle Kennedy Plaza in Providence has meet with strong and vocal resistance. Yet the State has failed to respond to concerns.

Kennedy Plaza, Providence, Rhode Island
March 4, 2022

A Q&A with the Author of “We Are All Whalers”: Our Responsibility in Saving Right Whales

by Adilson González Morales

“We Are All Whalers” is Dr. Moore’s latest endeavor to advocate for North Atlantic right whales. The book shines a light on how our actions as consumers make all of us whalers. But if we act now, we change that.

Right whale - protect right whales from vessel strikes
March 3, 2022

We Resolve to Keep Fighting for Strong Climate Laws

by Rishya Narayanan

Climate laws create mandatory targets to slash polluting emissions – and we’re continuing to advocate for them throughout 2022.

March 3, 2022

Dangerous Pollution Puts New England’s Iconic Rivers at Risk

by Chelsea Kendall

New England’s industrial rivers are starting to turn a new page thanks to the Clean Water Act. But more work needs to be done. The Blackstone River still suffers from industrial pollution, including lead, iron, oil, grease, and foam. The Mystic River also endures harmful levels of oil, grease, foam, and petroleum pollution, while aluminum contaminates the Merrimack River.

A scrap metal facility with a large pile of rusted cars, trucks and other trash.
February 22, 2022

Our Petition to Save Atlantic Cod Turns Two Years Old – Fishery Managers Must Act Now

by Allison Lorenc

In February 2020, CLF petitioned the federal government to take bold action to save Atlantic cod – New England’s most iconic fish species. To date, our petition remains unanswered. Cod cannot wait any longer – we need fishery managers to act now.

February 17, 2022

Stopping Lead Poisoning in Manchester

by Arnold Mikolo

Long recognized as a dangerous toxin that can result in serious health problems, lead was removed from our gasoline and paint decades ago. But the problem of lead poisoning in children has unfortunately not gone away, especially in Manchester, NH.

Lead poisoning text
February 17, 2022

Stopping Lead Poisoning in Manchester

by Arnold Mikolo

Long recognized as a dangerous toxin that can result in serious health problems, lead was removed from our gasoline and paint decades ago. But the problem of lead poisoning in children has unfortunately not gone away, especially in Manchester, NH.

Lead poisoning test
February 16, 2022

Three Bills Aim to Right Maine’s Wrongs to Wabanaki Tribes

by Sean Mahoney

Maine legislators have the unique opportunity to reset the state’s relationship with its indigenous tribes through three bills under consideration this legislative session.

Penobscot River Maine