September 1, 2022

5 Questions with Julie Silverman, CLF’s Lake Champlain Lakekeeper

by Laurie O'Reilly

As CLF’s Lake Champlain Lakekeeper, Julie Silverman is helping to weave together a complex fabric of people and places working to protect and restore Lake Champlain and the network of rivers and streams that flow into it. What drew you to Lake Champlain? I grew up close to the lake, spending summers swimming, sailing, waterskiing,… Continue reading 5 Questions with Julie Silverman, CLF’s Lake Champlain Lakekeeper

Julie Silverman, Lake Champlain Lakekeeper
August 25, 2022

After CLF Push, GlobalFoundries Adheres to Vermont’s Climate Laws

by Elena Mihaly

If the state Public Utility Commission approves this landmark deal, it will mark a victory for Vermonters and the climate.

A solar panel and wind turbine
August 17, 2022

“No Other Lake” Documentary Celebrates Lake Champlain and Confronts Its Challenges

by Laurie O'Reilly

The documentary “No Other Lake,” is now screening at various locations across Vermont and New York. We talked with filmmaker Jordan Rowell about what motivated him to embark on this journey and how it changed his view of his hometown lake.

Lake Champlain Documentary
August 16, 2022

How the Inflation Reduction Act Will Impact New England

by Greg Cunningham

President Biden recently signed this first-of-its-kind climate bill into law – but what does it mean for climate action here at home?

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is a first-of-its-kind bill to pass so far through the federal legislature.
August 15, 2022

Regenerative Agriculture Can Help New England’s Farmers and Our Climate

The way we grow our food has a big impact on our climate. Changing how we farm can help our climate rather than harm it.

Farmer harvesting zucchini
August 9, 2022

Here’s why New Hampshire Electricity Prices are Doubling This Summer

by Nick Krakoff

Our addiction to fossil fuels paired with state policy heavily influences how hard electricity prices hit our wallets.

an electricity tranmission tower and wires against a blue sky with a solar flare. It is from viewpoint of looking up from the ground.
August 8, 2022

Rhode Island Legislators Acted on Climate, Clean Energy, Plastic, and PFAS

by Darrèll Brown

CLF’s forceful advocacy paid off in this year’s Rhode Island legislative session with laws passed to help our climate, stop plastic pollution, and safeguard our drinking water from toxic chemicals.

strong climate laws can help protect New England from climate change
August 8, 2022

A Tale of Two Rivers

by Laurie O'Reilly

In one part of Boston, there’s the Charles River. In another, the Mystic. Both were once heavily polluted. But where the Charles has become the poster child of environmental success, the Mystic tells a different tale – one that exposes a region divided along racial and economic lines. 

Charles River and Mystic River
July 29, 2022

Stellwagen Bank Is a National Marine Sanctuary, But Is It Truly Protected?

by Priscilla Brooks

As the federal government takes action to restore and conserve our nation’s lands and waters, strengthening protections for National Marine Sanctuaries must be a priority.

Humpback whale jumping out of the water in Stellwagen Bank
July 15, 2022

Third Time Must Be the Charm to Help Cod Make a Comeback

by Allison Lorenc

Federal fishery managers denied CLF’s petition to end overfishing and rebuild Atlantic cod. Now, New England fishery managers begin a third attempt to save cod.

Atlantic Cod fish