Infographic: 5 Items You Can Repurpose at Home

Before you throw something away, ask yourself if it can be reused, repurposed, or donated

glass jars storing leftovers

You can slash your trash and save money by repurposing what you already have. Photo: Ella Olsson via Unsplash

One of the best ways to slash your trash is to reuse or repurpose what you already have, rather than buying something new.

While you may have already adopted some zero-waste practices in your life, like bringing reusable tote bags to the grocery store and carrying a reusable water bottle with you on-the-go, there are a number of other ways that you can reuse or repurpose everyday items around the house. Plus, you can save money while you’re at it! Check out the infographic below and see how you can give new life to these five items.


5 Items You Can Repurpose at Home

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