Feb 15, 2017

Massachusetts Updates Environmental Justice Policy, But Leaves Room for Improvement

Two recent developments have renewed momentum for positive change to environmental justice laws and policies in Massachusetts. First, the State released a long-awaited update to its Environmental Justice Policy – fifteen years after it first issued the policy, and two years after a mandatory deadline for updating it. And, second, a new bill introduced in… Continue reading Massachusetts Updates Environmental Justice Policy, But Leaves Room for Improvement

Feb 10, 2017

Latest Report on Massachusetts Transportation Financing Finds Progress, But Much More to Do

The Transportation for Massachusetts coalition ­– of which CLF is a member – ­today released the latest in a series of reports evaluating the implementation of the Commonwealth’s landmark Transportation Finance Act of 2013. The Keeping on Track reports are aimed at ensuring the new law’s success at addressing the most pressing needs of the… Continue reading Latest Report on Massachusetts Transportation Financing Finds Progress, But Much More to Do

Feb 02, 2017

Baker Administration Unlawfully Approves Mayor Walsh’s Betrayal of Public Trust

“The Baker Administration is now fully complicit in Mayor Walsh’s unlawful effort to enrich a favored developer using public resources,” said CLF President Bradley M. Campbell. “CLF will now turn to the courts to enforce well-established law and ask the Attorney General to fulfill her duty to protect the public trust. Meanwhile, the City’s unwillingness to stand up for the true stewards of our waterfront – the people of Massachusetts – will again delay needed improvements to this treasured public resource.”

Feb 02, 2017

Top Raimondo Staffer to Lead CLF Rhode Island Office

“CLF has been at the forefront of some of Rhode Island’s seminal environmental triumphs, and it is an honor to be leading such an impressive and accomplished team in the fights ahead,” said Moses. “In the past year alone, CLF has held polluters accountable for endangering our waters, protected the people of Johnston from a toxic landfill, and helped bring offshore wind to our state. We are certain to face countless uphill battles in the years to come, and I know CLF is ready to tackle them.”

Feb 01, 2017

Tillerson Tasked With Global Leadership on Climate Change

“U.S. leadership on climate change is essential to protecting the future of our economy and the safety of our communities, and Rex Tillerson now has the mantle of providing that leadership,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “We must cautiously, if reluctantly, place our faith in his willingness to put the best interests of the nation above those of the industry he championed his entire career. And if he falters, we are ready to challenge him at every turn.”

Jan 30, 2017

CLF Doubles Down on Efforts to Stop Burrillville Gas Plant

“Invenergy is putting the cart before the horse by unveiling an unacceptable plan to take public water without first resolving the huge chunks missing from its power plant application,” said CLF attorney Max Greene. “The company’s plan to build enormous, expensive and unnecessary fossil fuel infrastructure flies in the face of state policy and public will, yet they continue to go forward with new plans that raise more questions than answers. It’s time for the State to recognize these repeated and glaring deficiencies and shut down this project once and for all.”

Jan 27, 2017

Sonny Perdue: What Will You Do for New England’s Farmers?

Last week we learned that former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue is President Trump’s nominee for U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. Perdue, educated as a veterinarian and the son of a farmer, spent much of his career in business, including running a garden supplies company, shipping operation, and a fertilizer and grain company. In announcing the nomination,… Continue reading Sonny Perdue: What Will You Do for New England’s Farmers?

Jan 26, 2017

Massachusetts Leads on Self-Driving Cars with New Bill

A bill filed last week in the Massachusetts state legislature would create a framework for self-driving cars and help lead the nation by putting in place several innovative and well-thought-out policies.

Jan 24, 2017

Vermont Governor Makes Two-Year Commitment to Clean Water Funding

“There is no doubt that a significant investment in clean water is essential for the economy, property values, tourism, recreation and the environment, and the question now is how we are going to get there,” said Rebekah Weber, CLF’s Lake Champlain Lakekeeper. “Today the governor took a big step in the right direction, but his funding plan falls short of what we need to ensure safe, healthy water for all Vermonters. By doubling his proposed investment and extending it beyond the next two years, Governor Scott can send a strong message that ensuring clean water must be a top priority.”