Apr 27, 2017
Trump’s proposed cuts to EPA’s budget would eliminate the Office of Environmental Justice, which is charged with helping to protect vulnerable communities from the harmful impacts of pollution.
Apr 25, 2017
As Maine’s agriculture and food sector expands, farmers and small business owners are facing practical challenges, including lack of access to capital and legal services. We’ll look at new creative solutions designed to help this sector grow and remain sustainable for years to come. Guests: Sam May, Co-Founder, Maine Harvest Credit Project Amanda Beal, President and… Continue reading Innovative Solutions for Maine Farmers
Apr 22, 2017
CLF Launches Zero-Waste Project to Tackle Massachusetts’s Trash Problem On a Monday night in February, more than 100 people crowded into the Sturbridge, Massachusetts, town hall for an emergency meeting of the town’s Board of Health. Nineteen wells in the Sturbridge neighborhood closest to the massive Southbridge Landfill had just tested high for lead –… Continue reading Talking Trash
Apr 22, 2017
Talking Trash CLF Launches Zero-Waste Project to Tackle Massachusetts’s Trash Problem Getting Smart about Energy Energy Efficiency Under Fire in Maine Why I Give Rebecca LaRocque Five Questions For… Rebekah Weber, Lake Champlain Lakekeeper
Apr 20, 2017
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court is deliberating a case with significant implications for playgrounds, parks, and other open space across the state. The decision before them is whether Westfield’s John A. Sullivan Memorial Playground, also known as the Cross Street Playground, is constitutionally protected land that cannot be converted to other purposes without a two-thirds vote… Continue reading Is a City Playground Protected Land? Massachusetts Supreme Court to Decide
Apr 18, 2017
“Today’s agreement is a massive victory for all Vermonters who take pride in our state’s rich farming heritage,” said CLF senior attorney Sandra Levine. “When you pull off this scenic highway exit, you should be greeted by sprawling fields and colorful produce, not bulldozers and industrial parks. Thanks to the hard work of all parties involved, this valuable farmland will be back where it belongs – in the hands of local farmers supported by, and providing for, our communities.”
Apr 18, 2017
Strong Advocacy Leads to Conservation Stopping sprawl in its tracks and keeping valuable farmland available for farmers to use has taken a huge leap forward. In 2016, following a year-long legal case led by CLF, a developer withdrew plans to build a massive, sprawling complex, including shopping, a hotel, a conference center, offices, and housing in… Continue reading Paving Vermont Farmland: Stopped!
Apr 18, 2017
A developer and conservation groups have reached an agreement that will preserve prime agricultural land at Exit 4 on Interstate 89, ending a controversial plan to build a large development at the Randolph Exit. “This a tremendous victory for everyone who cares deeply about farming in Vermont and for the natural beauty we have here,”… Continue reading Exit 4 Landowner Will Scrap Development Plans And Sell To Conservation Groups
Apr 13, 2017
For a neighborhood to truly thrive, it needs healthy people, a healthy environment, and a healthy economy with opportunities for all. That’s why CLF, along with our partners in the Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance, are working to strengthen local neighborhoods in ways that work better for everyone – especially seniors and young people. Together, we have… Continue reading The Great Neighborhoods Campaign Needs You
Apr 12, 2017
CLF works throughout New England to help local food entrepreneurs and farmers not just survive, but thrive. Here in Rhode Island, the local food movement is burgeoning – our rate of new farmers is growing faster than in other New England states. But even as the number of new farmers grows, many experienced farmers are looking… Continue reading Helping Rhode Island’s Local Food Movement Grow