Sep 14, 2018

Federal Farm Bill Could Harm New Englanders

Our elected officials in Washington, D.C., are currently making big decisions about the future of farm and food policy in our country – and it matters for all of us. We need you to speak up for the Farm Bill to ensure that it helps, rather than harms, New England’s farmers.

Sep 12, 2018

New Guide Helps Community Kitchens Get Cooking

CLF has just released a new guide to help fledgling food businesses connect with commercial kitchens at neighborhood schools, churches, synagogues, or other community organizations.

Sep 06, 2018

Composting Takes Root in Lawrence

Affordable composting has arrived in Lawrence, Massachusetts. A pilot program spearheaded by local groups and CLF gives residents of the Union Crossing/Duck Mill building an easy way to get their food scraps out of landfills and turned into rich soil.

Sep 06, 2018

Protecting Our Kids from Lead in Drinking Water

Schools and childcare centers – places where children spend so much time – can have unsafe levels of lead in their water, putting our kids’ health at risk. To ensure safe water, it’s time for parents and teachers to demand that schools test their water for lead and take measures necessary to protect the health of schoolchildren.

Aug 24, 2018

Court Upholds Ban on Loading Crude Oil on South Portland Waterfront

“Today’s decision is a huge win for the city of South Portland, and it proves that local action can make a difference,” said Sean Mahoney, Executive Vice President and Director of CLF Maine. “Big oil tried every legal trick in the book to try and invalidate this ordinance and they lost on every count.”

Aug 08, 2018

Rhode Island General Assembly Fails to Make Progress on Environmental Initiatives, But Some Bad Bills Defeated

When the Rhode Island General Assembly convened for its 2018 session, CLF and our partners focused on several key measures aimed at combating climate change, reforming how energy projects are sited, and protecting our waters from offshore drilling. With progress on these issues stalled (or moving in reverse) at the national level, state and local… Continue reading Rhode Island General Assembly Fails to Make Progress on Environmental Initiatives, But Some Bad Bills Defeated

Aug 08, 2018

Eight Dangerous Landfills Expanding in New England

CLF’s Zero Waste program has identified eight New England landfills that want dangerous expansions, a surefire way to increase the pollution they emit into the air, soil, and water. We’re working to stop them from expanding.

Landfill in Saugus, MA
Aug 06, 2018

Rhode Island Takes First Step to Solve Plastic Pollution

Governor Raimondo’s “Task Force to Tackle Plastics” is a good start for the state to start taking on plastic pollution. But to really face the problem head-on, Rhode Island must ban single-use plastics and push the state closer to Zero Waste.