Sep 18, 2023

Gov. Healey Bans State Agencies from Purchasing Single-Use Plastic Bottles

“Single-use plastics are a scourge on our environment and our communities,” said CLF zero waste attorney Mara Shulman. “These products hasten the climate crisis and endanger the health of people and wildlife. Governor Healey’s ban is a great  step towards making Massachusetts a leader in fighting the plastics crisis.”

Pile of Plastic Bottles
Sep 18, 2023

$2.2m project will fund 500 trees for ‘disadvantaged’ neighborhoods in Manchester, N.H.

For those on the ground, the project will address disparities they’ve long observed. Arnold Mikolo is an environmental justice advocate with the Conservation Law Foundation, an environmental advocacy group partnering with the city on the tree planting project. He’s been speaking with residents to gather their feedback and concerns about environmental issues in the center city communities. “One of the main things they said was, ‘This neighborhood is really hot,’” Mikolo said.

Sep 14, 2023

Manchester Receives $2.2 Million USDA Grant for Urban Forestry Project

“This award is a testament to the commitment of Manchester to create a more equitable and sustainable urban environment,” said CLF Environmental Justice Advocate Arnold Mikolo. “Urban forests provide critical shade during heatwaves, help control stormwater, and provide a habitat for animals. By maximizing community access to these benefits, this initiative promises to transform the quality of life for residents and enhance the city’s ecological and economic sustainability for years to come.”

People sitting and walking along a treelined street
Sep 13, 2023

The Power of Social Investment

In the world of investing, real-world outcomes are often neatly severed from investment strategy. Return on investment, rates, and yields are guiding principles that supersede seemingly idealistic notions of community-building and the environment. But a more thoughtful and creative investment approach has taken root over the past decade. That approach recognizes that the savviest long-term… Continue reading The Power of Social Investment

building in Boston's Roxbury neighborhood
Sep 13, 2023

What Is Greenwashing?

Some of the world’s biggest polluters want us to believe they’re going green – but they’re really just hiding “business as usual” behind slick words. Here’s how to spot greenwashing in action.

Illustration of greenwashing
Sep 13, 2023

Groups Form Plastic Free Mass

“It’s time to finally address the plastics crisis in Massachusetts. From modernizing our antiquated beverage container deposit system, to banning single-use plastic bags at checkout, to making producers of plastic packaging responsible for reducing packaging and managing plastic waste at its end of life, there are several pending bills that will take us in the right direction. We stand with our elected officials and pledge to keep up the momentum because there is no time to waste in taking a bite out of waste.”

Aug 31, 2023

Green Halloween: 5 Ways to Embrace the Zero Waste Spirit

On Halloween, U.S. consumers spend over $10 billion on decorations, plastic-wrapped candy, costumes, and more. Many of these items will eventually find their final resting place in landfills and incinerators. But fear not! Here are 5 tips to celebrate a Green Halloween without sacrificing your fun.

Everything you need for a perfect Green Halloween. A mesh bag with pumpkins, gourds, and candles. DIY bats and spiders made from craft paper. And delicious chocolate eyeballs wrapped in foil.
Aug 29, 2023

Britteny Jenkins to Lead Environmental Justice Efforts at CLF

“I’m thrilled to be joining CLF at such a critical time in the environmental movement,” said Jenkins. “So many communities are saddled with unfair environmental burdens simply because they are low income or made up of people of color. It’s time to put an end to these injustices, and I’m ready to hit the ground running in making that goal a reality.”

Portrait photography of Britteny Jenkins, Environmental Justice Vice President at Conservation Law Foundation. The background shows lush greenery and a green-tarnished metal fountain at Post Office Square in central Boston.