Mar 30, 2019

Exxon suffers a big setback in climate-change case involving its Everett oil terminal

CLF’s lawsuit, among other things, accuses Exxon of failing to adequately protect the property from potential floods caused by storms and rising sea waters that could sweep pollutants off the site. The closely-watched lawsuit could have ripple effects that influence the broader oil industry and how it prepares for future storms.

Mar 29, 2019

Maine to Study Toxic “Forever” Chemicals

In a move welcomed by advocates for safe and clean drinking water, Governor Janet Mills has established a task force to assess the scope of PFAS exposure and contamination in Maine.

Nonstick pans are among the everyday household products made with toxic PFAS chemicals.
Mar 26, 2019

Statewide plastic bag ban push is on

“I love all of New England,” Kirstie Pecci, senior fellow at the Conservation Law Foundation, wrote in a regional update email Tuesday. “I am busting my butt every day to move towards Zero Waste through the whole region.”

Mar 13, 2019

Climate Change Lawsuit Against ExxonMobil Proceeds

“Exxon has put vulnerable communities and the harbor at risk as part of its pattern and practice of deceiving regulators and the public about the risks of climate change,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Exxon has known about these risks and its ongoing spills for years and is failing its most important duty under the law: to avoid spills of oil and hazardous substances that threaten public health and the environment.” 

Mar 11, 2019

Legal Food Hub

CLF connects food producers with pro bono legal services.

Legal Services for Farmers