Nov 03, 2023

Shell Continues to Hide Climate Evidence

“While Shell tries every trick in the book to avoid coming clean about its involvement in the climate crisis, our community is in danger” said Darrèll Brown, Vice President of CLF Rhode Island. “The evidence we have seen shows that the company has left this facility woefully unprepared for extreme weather. Major risks exist now and they’re only going to get worse as the oceans rise and storms intensify.”

Photos turned over by Shell show its facility flooding during a December 2022 storm.
Oct 19, 2023

Green Line Extension Issues Far Worse Than Previously Known

“This level of dysfunction and irresponsibility defies explanation,” said CLF attorney Seth Gadbois. “The previous administration was clearly more interested in cutting a ribbon than getting this project done safely and correctly. CLF sued to ensure that this extension was built, and this is now an opportunity for the Healey administration to commit to public transit and repair public trust.”

MBTA Green Line
Oct 12, 2023

Coventry Landfill Violating Law

“The owners of this landfill are blatantly ignoring the law and robbing Vermonters of the right to weigh in on a project that will affect public health and the environment,” said Nora Bosworth, Zero Waste Attorney at CLF. “State laws exist for a reason, and the Coventry landfill can’t be allowed to continue operating this system in defiance of the law. It’s time for the Agency of Natural Resources to step in.”

landfill with garbage trucks
Oct 11, 2023

Q&A with Monica Huertas

Monica Huertas is among those leading the fight for environmental justice in her community. The mother of four’s passion lies in her work as a doula, but she recognizes that for her own kids – and the babies she delivers – to grow up healthy, she and her neighbors must take a stand against the industrial pollution fouling her community.

Monica Huertas, a Latina woman wearing a brown t-shirt and jeans, sitting in front of the water with a crane in the background. Her shirt reads "People's Port Authority."