Oct 30, 2019

Five Ways Cities and Towns Can Slash Trash and Fight Climate Change

In September 2018, leaders from across the country – including CLF’s President, Bradley Campbell – and the globe gathered in San Francisco, California at the Global Climate Action Summit to exchange ideas about how we can address the most pressing issue of our time: climate change. The Summit also challenged cities and towns around the world to step… Continue reading Five Ways Cities and Towns Can Slash Trash and Fight Climate Change

Recycling is just one way to build sustainable communities
Oct 29, 2019

CLF Launches Zero Waste Challenge

“New England’s waste system is broken,” says Kirstie Pecci, Director of CLF’s Zero Waste Project. “While we wait for much-needed reform, there are steps that each of us can take to make a big difference. For the health of our communities and our planet, achieving zero waste must be everyone’s goal.”  

Oct 29, 2019

Redesigning the Way We Shop

The owner of a new, low-waste, personal and home care store in Cambridge, MA, Sarah Levy has re-envisioned the way we shop while helping our community to reduce its waste. For as long as I can remember, I’ve tried to use resources efficiently (i.e., not waste stuff), which is likely a result of growing up… Continue reading Redesigning the Way We Shop

Photo of Sarah Levy refilling a shampoo bottle in Cleenland
Oct 28, 2019

Our Recycling System is Broken

Our recycling system is in a crisis. Up until last year, recyclables collected for the U.S. were shipped to China for processing. But then, China stopped accepting our recycling, setting off a chain reaction of problems. In New England and across the country, the cost of recycling for towns and cities is skyrocketing, forcing local… Continue reading Our Recycling System is Broken

Plastic water bottles
Oct 25, 2019

Latest Trump Administration Rollback Threatens Environmental Justice

The Trump administration government is rolling back a key way to prove discrimination in court, but a set of bills in Massachusetts would make sure those protections remain at the state level. The bills would provide legal safeguards for communities of color and refugee and immigrant communities to ensure that policies addressing the intense heat, dangerous flooding, and extreme weather events of climate change do not discriminate.

The Massachusetts Legislature missed their chance to lead on energy today. Photo Credit: Shutterstock.
Oct 18, 2019

A Win for Public Access to the Waterfront

“It is unacceptable that this plan allows developers to buy their way out of regulations they don’t like,” said Peter Shelley, Senior Counsel at CLF. “The public’s right to access the waterfront has been guaranteed for generations, and officials have singlehandedly undermined that right. The municipal harbor planning process is broken, and we’re looking forward to proving it in court.”

Oct 18, 2019

Suits over waterfront zoning can go to trial, judge says

“It is unacceptable that this plan allows developers to buy their way out of regulations they don’t like,” CLF senior counsel Peter Shelley said in response to the judge’s ruling. “The public’s right to access the waterfront has been guaranteed for generations, and officials have singlehandedly undermined that right. The municipal harbor planning process is broken, and we’re looking forward to proving it in court.”