Jan 13, 2020

Organizing for Healthy Housing

A shared understanding of the challenges created by gentrification help Lynn residents come together and fight for healthy housing.

Jan 09, 2020

R.I. lawmakers set to take up plastic bag ban again

“The Senate President’s bill is a solid compromise and it will keep Rhode Island’s lands and waters free from this toxic litter,” said Amy Moses, Rhode Island director of the Conservation Law Foundation.

Jan 09, 2020

Stricter Lead Standards Needed to Protect New Hampshire Children

It’s a troubling reality that in many schools and childcare facilities – places where we send our kids to learn and be safe – our children can be exposed to lead in their drinking water. And it’s especially troubling that in New Hampshire, like most states, we don’t have health-based standards to protect our kids from that harmful lead exposure. This legislative session, we’ll be working to correct that problem.

Jan 09, 2020

Trump Administration Rolls Back Bedrock Environmental Law

“In today’s proposal, President Trump has arrogated to himself the power to repeal the nation’s foundational environmental protection law by fiat, in defiance of the language and history of the statute,” said CLF President Brad Campbell. “This unlawful gift to the fossil fuel industry excludes climate impacts from consideration and redefines the scope of the law to a fraction of those reviewed for generations. This lawless action at the behest of the oil and gas industry will not survive judicial or public scrutiny, and continues the president’s war on science, the environment, rationality, and fact-based decision-making.”

Jan 09, 2020

Conservation Matters Fall 2019

We can’t allow manufacturers to get away with the false narrative that it’s up to you and me to recycle our way out of the plastic pollution crisis. It’s time to call them out as the real culprits and put the burden on their shoulders, not ours. 

Jan 07, 2020

The Year Ahead at the Vermont State House

With the Vermont General Assembly reconvening, CLF is working with lawmakers to advance solutions that protect our natural resources, build healthy communities, and sustain a vibrant economy on behalf of all Vermonters. This session, we’re focusing on cutting carbon, limiting plastic pollution, protecting the state from toxic “forever chemicals,” defending water quality, and more.

Vermont State House
Dec 18, 2019

Climate change demands raising infrastructure standards

From Cape Ann to Cape Cod, our infrastructure is not built to withstand the increasing impacts of storm floods, high winds, and soaking rain. This fact not only affects the health and safety of our residents but will also have an enormous influence on the region’s economic competitiveness.

Dec 17, 2019

New England States Announce Transportation Climate Plan

“This state agreement moves us toward much-needed regional collaboration to confront the climate crisis,” said Amy Laura Cahn, Director of CLF’s Healthy Communities and Environmental Justice program. “Urgent and bold action is necessary to tackle the scourge of carbon emissions and jumpstart clean transportation options for New Englanders. We also need more immediate solutions that improve air quality for residents in pollution hotspots.”

EPA revokes state authority to set vehicle emissions standards