Mar 12, 2020

Proposed Port garbage transfer station is dead

“The decision to scrap plans for this garbage depot is an unqualified win for the neighborhood,” said Kevin Budris, staff attorney at Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) Rhode Island.

Mar 11, 2020

Beverage Containers Among Top Ten Items Littering the Connecticut River

My first day on the job as Connecticut River Conservancy’s newest River Steward was a whirlwind – literally. We got an early morning start with our friends at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for a windy trip up and down the Connecticut River on their airboat. As we came to our first stop and dismounted the boat, I was shocked and disappointed to see the amount of plastic bottles and nips littering Connecticut’s shoreline.

Connecticut River Conservancy Source to Sea Cleanup
Mar 11, 2020

Will New Hampshire Be A Dumping Ground for the Region? (Not If We Can Stop It)

We all know the trash we throw away is a disaster for our environment and communities. From landfills growing into mountains of waste to incinerators spewing toxic pollutants to the pollution of our water and air (including climate-damaging emissions) – the impacts of waste disposal are not only disturbing, but they’re also avoidable. For decades… Continue reading Will New Hampshire Be A Dumping Ground for the Region? (Not If We Can Stop It)

2018 Press Conference to stop Bethlehem Landfill expansion
Mar 09, 2020

The Cost Of Recycling Hits Budgets In Massachusetts Cities And Towns

One of the day’s presenters was John Hite of the Conservation Law Foundation. “I will say that we do have one program in place currently that is the single most effective recycling program we know,” he said. “Does anybody know what that is?” The answer — the bottle redemption program

Mar 05, 2020

Maine’s Most Vulnerable Children Left at Risk from Lead Poisoning

State and federal laws mandate that Maine test 100% of the toddlers covered by MaineCare for lead poisoning. The actual screening rates fall far short of that target, leaving our most vulnerable children at risk of lifelong harm. Maine needs to step up and follow the law.

Lead poisoning test
Mar 05, 2020

East Boston Substation Fight Exposes Inequities in Public Siting Process

East Boston residents overwhelmingly oppose a proposal to build a massive electrical substation in their neighborhood. In a case highlighting issues of language justice, many residents have been unable to participate fully in public proceedings because of inadequate translation services.

The waterfront site near the dangerous electric substation proposed by Eversource in the Eagle Hill community in East Boston. The jet fuel tanks and other infrastructure in the background highlight the need for climate justice in this community.
Feb 28, 2020

How plastic bag bans really work to limit plastic pollution

In general, plastic bag bans aren’t perfect, wrote policy analyst John Hite for the Conservation Law Foundation, but they’re a good start. Hite pointed out that, even in studies showing that plastic bag bans increased purchases of thicker trash bags and paper bags, the bans consistently decreased the overall use of single-use plastic bags.

Feb 27, 2020

As Casella Waste eyes Dalton, sides square off over bill to halt new private landfills in NH

Tom Irwin with the Conservation Law Foundation endorsed the idea. He noted the Legislature two decades ago set a goal of reducing solid waste by 40 percent and put landfills at the bottom of the waste “hierarchy.” “Twenty years later we have not achieved the solid waste reduction goal and we are still operating on a disposal model and relying heavily on landfills,” Irwin said.

Feb 26, 2020

Maine Legislators Hold Hearing on Groundbreaking Recycling Bill

“Plastic producers have been given a free pass to pollute our communities for far too long at taxpayer expense,” said John Hite, Zero Waste Policy Analyst at CLF. “Single-use packaging has upended recycling and filled our oceans, communities, and landfills with plastic pollution. LD2104 will require packaging companies to deal with the mess they’ve made and create products that don’t wreak havoc on our recycling systems and environment.”

Feb 18, 2020

Don’t Dissolve The MBTA’s Control Board. Empower It To Do More

Between the FMCB and the administration’s Commission on the Future of Transportation, Governor Baker has laid the groundwork for transforming the crisis-ridden MBTA into a system worthy of our world-class innovation economy and vibrant and diverse neighborhoods. Let’s empower the FMCB to get the job done.