Nov 09, 2020

CLF Appeals Permit Allowing Bethlehem Landfill Expansion

“Continuing to expand polluting landfills is the last thing New Hampshire needs,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President and Director of CLF New Hampshire. “The state got it right the first time when it determined there is no need for this landfill expansion. It’s time – at long last – for New Hampshire to make good on its policy of reducing waste, rather perpetuating its burial of it in landfills and putting our communities at risk.”

2018 Press Conference to stop Bethlehem Landfill expansion
Nov 07, 2020

Biden Win Sets the Stage for a Greener Future, But Local Action Is Still Vital

The presidential election result is a welcome relief – especially amid the ongoing stresses of an unrelenting pandemic, hobbling economic hardship, and an overdue racial reckoning. We all deserve to take a moment and celebrate that. But even as we see the core values of our democracy vindicated after relentless voter suppression efforts, now is not the time to grow complacent.

Oct 30, 2020

MA Officials Must Approve At-Grade Option for I-90 Project

“It is past time for MassDOT to heed the consensus among Mayor Walsh, transportation experts, and affected neighborhoods that the all at-grade approach is the best one for Boston, for commuters, and for the river,” said Bradley Campbell, President of Conservation Law Foundation. “The Baker Administration should start working for rather than against its own vision for the future of transportation in the Commonwealth.” 

Photo: Charles River, Boston
Oct 15, 2020

Trash Incineration in Providence Has Met Its Match

The City of Providence took a critical step in creating a zero-waste future and protecting its communities by banning trash incineration. The ban provides a model that other communities throughout the region can follow.

polluting emissions
Oct 15, 2020

UPDATE: What Would Massachusetts’s Environmental Justice Laws Accomplish?

Low-income, immigrant, and communities of color experience more environmental burdens than whiter, wealthier neighborhoods. Having strong environmental justice legislation would make a significant difference in these neighborhoods, in part by simply ensuring residents have a voice in what happens in their own communities.

Playground at Chelsea Flats
Oct 14, 2020

Are Private Developers a Threat to the People’s Harbor?

Private developers deliberately obscure the lines between public and private space along Boston’s waterfront – with the goal to make the general public feel unwelcome – even though we all have the legal right to access much of our waterfront lands. It’s time for private developers to become part of the solution to create a vibrant and welcoming Boston Harbor for all.

Oct 14, 2020

UPDATE: How Has Racism Contributed to Environmental Justice Inequities?

Environmental justice requires reversing and repairing the impacts of decades of environmental racism. Residents of environmental justice communities are the most likely to bear the burdens polluting industries and infrastructure, while having to fight for their share of resources we all need — healthy homes, schools, transit, food, and open space.

Environmental racism contributes to inequality
Oct 13, 2020

UPDATE: What Are Environmental Justice Protections?

For decades, low income, immigrant, and communities of color across the Commonwealth have disproportionately born the burdens of air pollution from power plants, congested freeways, and industrial activity. After generations of disenfranchisement, what would having strong environmental justice protections mean for these communities?

The Tobin bridge runs through Chelsea, an environmental justice community
Oct 06, 2020

What You Need to Know About the Boston Green New Deal

The Green New Deal may be stalled on the federal level, but it’s always been local governments that move the needle on progress and have immediate, concrete impacts on our lives. Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu’s proposal – Planning for a Green New Deal & Just Recovery – is a great example of local action in the face of federal inertia, and offers an ambitious vision for Boston’s future.