FAQs: How to Plant, Protect, and Promote Trees in Your Neighborhood
Follow our tips to nurture a strong, thriving tree canopy.

Follow our tips to nurture a strong, thriving tree canopy.
Earlier this year, CLF and our members submitted hundreds of comments to the EPA asking them to take swift action to remove lead from our water for good.
Conservation Law Foundation has notified Sims Metal of its intent to sue for Clean Water Act violations at eight scrap metal facilities in Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York and Maryland. The company’s stormwater runoff regularly polluted nearby rivers and other waterways with toxic metals like lead, copper, and zinc.
Conservation Law Foundation argued Wednesday on behalf of Springfield’s City Council and community before the Massachusetts Court of Appeals to block Palmer Renewable Energy’s desperate attempt to revive its biomass plant using permits that expired over a decade ago.
Maine Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Melanie Loyzim issued a decision claiming the proposed expansion of the Juniper Ridge Landfill would benefit the public. This opens the door for Casella to officially apply for a license to expand.
The Palmer biomass plant would harm Springfield residents and those in surrounding communities. It’s taken 10-plus years to stop it. After having their permit revoked, Palmer has appealed multiple times to have it overturned. CLF is going to court to protect Springfield’s right to clean air.
On Halloween, U.S. consumers spend over $10 billion on decorations, plastic-wrapped candy, costumes, and more. Many of these items will eventually find their final resting place in landfills and incinerators. But fear not! Here are 5 tips to celebrate a Green Halloween without sacrificing your fun.
As the impacts of climate change become more intense across New England, nature-based solutions will be a key piece of the solution.
Bottle bills place a small deposit on beverage containers. Consumers get that deposit back when they return the empty containers. Bottle bills tackle litter and improve recycling. Despite these benefits, the waste and beverage industries argue these programs are outdated or unnecessary. But here’s the truth: bottle bills work. Let’s dispel some myths.
In New Bedford, Massachusetts, a proposed waste transfer station threatens to bury the community under a mountain of literal and figurative problems. But what exactly is a waste transfer station, and why should we be concerned about this expansion? Let’s take a closer look at what these facilities do, how they operate, and the real impact they can have on the neighborhoods around them.