Apr 13, 2022

Global Plastic Treaty Can be a Bold Step in Turning Off the Plastic Tap

For too long, the world has treated plastic as a waste disposal problem. But plastic pollutes from the moment we extract fossil fuels from the ground. To truly tackle this crisis, we need to stop plastic production at its source. And the UN plastic treaty can do just that – on a global scale.

globe in plastic packaging
Apr 11, 2022

Maine Senate Passes Critical Waste Bill

“Dumping out-of-state waste at this landfill violates the law and harms the health of nearby communities,” said Peter Blair, Zero Waste Attorney at CLF. “This landfill has been burying thousands of tons of construction and demolition debris for years through this loophole. The Senate made the right call in closing it, and the House must now do the same.”

Landfill construction and demolition debris
Apr 08, 2022

Community Servings

Learn how CLF’s Healthy Retail and Commerce Fund helped support Community Servings and the impact they expect to see on community, health and the environment.

Apr 08, 2022

Stop and Compare

Find out how CLF’s Healthy Retail and Commerce Fund helped Stop and Compare, a Latinx, family-owned supermarket business that offers high quality and diverse foods at affordable prices.

Mar 21, 2022

A Victory 32 Years in the Making

It’s a historic day in Massachusetts: For the first time since 1987, there’s a new subway branch on the MBTA train tracks. The Green Line extension has finally been extended into Somerville and is running trains to the city’s Union Square neighborhood. Trains on the Medford branch will begin in a few month.

MBTA Green Line
Mar 21, 2022

MBTA Green Line Extension Opens

“It’s hard to overstate how significant and historic this day is,” said Bradley Campbell, President of CLF. “The long-delayed Green Line extension will finally unlock transportation access for thousands of people who previously had few options to get to work, school, or necessary appointments. While we celebrate today, it’s important to note that the work isn’t done, and we’ll continue to push for environmental review of the extension of the Medford branch to Route 16.”

Mar 15, 2022

Companies Scheme to Profit Off Maine’s Out-of-State Waste Loophole

Through a loophole in Maine’s law, two companies have been colluding to import and bury out-of-state waste at the Juniper Ridge Landfill. With their scheme laid bare, both companies are spreading myths to confuse legislators and the public. We’re here to bust those myths and explain why we need to close this loophole once and for all.

Landfill construction and demolition debris
Mar 10, 2022

Five Elements of a Strong Producer Responsibility for Packaging Bill

A typical trip to the store means leaving with more than I came for. Why? Because everything is needlessly wrapped in layers and layers of packaging. We can and must hold companies responsible for the waste they create. And we can do that through a modern Producer Responsibility for Packaging Law.

pile of packaging waste