Oct 24, 2024

3 Terrifying Truths About the MBTA

Boston’s MBTA is crumbling, underfunded, and unreliable, leaving riders stranded and disconnected. These three terrifying truths reveal the haunting reality of our aging transit system, calling for urgent action to secure funding and prevent further collapse.

An MBTA rider is wearing a Halloween costume of the orange line on fire. The costume plays on the idea that riding the MBTA is terrifying.
Oct 10, 2024

CLF to Sue One of Largest Scrap Metal Companies in US for Polluting Waterways

Conservation Law Foundation has notified Sims Metal of its intent to sue for Clean Water Act violations at eight scrap metal facilities in Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York and Maryland. The company’s stormwater runoff regularly polluted nearby rivers and other waterways with toxic metals like lead, copper, and zinc.

Twisted metal in a pile outside at the New Haven, Connecticut, Sims Metal facility.
Oct 02, 2024

Maine DEP Grants Harmful Landfill Expansion

Maine Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Melanie Loyzim issued a decision claiming the proposed expansion of the Juniper Ridge Landfill would benefit the public. This opens the door for Casella to officially apply for a license to expand.

Landfill construction and demolition debris
Oct 02, 2024

How Many Times Must a Community Say No?

The Palmer biomass plant would harm Springfield residents and those in surrounding communities. It’s taken 10-plus years to stop it. After having their permit revoked, Palmer has appealed multiple times to have it overturned. CLF is going to court to protect Springfield’s right to clean air.