Dec 29, 2022

5 Questions for Shannon Laun

Shannon Laun oversees CLF’s newly opened Connecticut office, making headway on the state’s biggest environmental challenges.

Shannon Laun
Dec 20, 2022

Nora Bosworth

Nora Bosworth is a Communities and Toxics Staff Attorney in CLF’s Environmental Justice Program. Prior to joining CLF, Nora devoted her legal skills to defending and advocating for undocumented youth as an attorney at Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project in Los Angeles. Nora transferred from NYU School of Law to Maine Law, where she graduated summa… Continue reading Nora Bosworth

Nora Bosworth
Dec 19, 2022

CLF, GreenRoots Appeal Irresponsible East Boston Substation Decision

Supreme Judicial Court of a recent state decision that would allow a proposed electrical substation in East Boston to bypass an important permitting process. After hours of community testimony in opposition, the Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board decided to fast-track the project in a vote on November 29.

“How many times does the community have to say no to this facility while decision-makers fail to listen?” said Staci Rubin, Vice President of Environmental Justice at CLF. “At every turn, the state has ignored laws governing community input and alternative location of these types of facilities. East Boston does not need yet another environmental burden, and we will continue challenging this substation until the end.”

The waterfront site near the dangerous electric substation proposed by Eversource in the Eagle Hill community in East Boston. The jet fuel tanks and other infrastructure in the background highlight the need for climate justice in this community.
Dec 12, 2022

Green Line Extension to Medford Finally Opens

“After waiting 30 years, this is a historic day for communities that depend on the MBTA,” said CLF President Brad Campbell. “The long-delayed Green Line extension will finally unlock reliable rapid transit for thousands of people in Medford and Somerville. CLF will be continuing to push for the expansion of the Medford branch to Route 16 to bring access to even more residents in the coming years.”

CLF staff celebrate outside the new Medford/Tufts Green Line extension station.
Dec 12, 2022

A Victory 32 Years in the Making

The Green Line extension to Medford is finally here. Today, after 8 years of delays, a new branch of the Green Line – consisting of five stations reaching out into Medford – opened its doors to riders.

CLF staff celebrate outside the new Medford/Tufts Green Line extension station.