Massachusetts Bottle Bill: 3 Reasons Why We Need to Modernize It
Litter is taking a toll on Massachusetts’ health and economy. These three reasons show how an updated bottle bill could help us change that.

Litter is taking a toll on Massachusetts’ health and economy. These three reasons show how an updated bottle bill could help us change that.
“The State’s decision is an assault on one of our bedrock environmental protections,” said CLF attorney Mason Overstreet. “Dangerous chemicals are leaching out of this landfill and polluting the Black River and Lake Memphremagog, a drinking water source for thousands of people. The State’s irresponsible decision not to require a Clean Water Act permit blows a hole through the law’s core protections and leaves Vermonters exposed to pollutants. The court should reverse the state’s decision and require a permit with effective pollution control limits.”
“There’s no reason why tons of food should end up in New Hampshire’s landfills and incinerators,” said CLF attorney Nora Bosworth, Zero Waste Attorney at CLF. “Food decomposing in landfills spews toxic methane pollution, threatening our health and worsening the climate crisis. In fact, food is the single largest component in most landfills, so keeping it out of our trash will decrease our reliance on poisonous and unsustainable landfills. This provision will ensure that more food is donated or and composted, which is a win for our communities and the planet.”
“The community spoke loud and clear in opposition of this polluting plant,” said CLF Environmental Justice Advocate Jordan Thompson. “The company irresponsibly attempted to push through its plan to build this facility in the middle of a diverse neighborhood that Nashua is invested in improving. The city absolutely made the right decision to deny this plant and protect the health, safety and quality of life of the neighborhood instead.”
“This kind of thing doesn’t happen by accident,” he said. “There’s a reason why this site is being proposed for an asphalt plant and not a site in Hollis or another community that’s affluent and white.”
Heidi Trimarco, a staff attorney from the Conservation Law Foundation, said more needs to be done. While she viewed Thursday’s vote as a significant victory, she said New Hampshire needs a comprehensive environmental justice law — and it needs to be enforced.
“Fossil fuels are driving the climate crisis and its impacts in our communities,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “Couple that with the dire shortage of affordable housing for those who need it most, and this green bank is filling a huge need here in Massachusetts. Polluting emissions from buildings are a scourge on our health and the planet, and this fund will go a long way towards ending our addiction to fossil fuels.”
“So-called advanced recycling is too often just incineration by another name,” said CLF President Brad Campbell. “EPA is right to reverse course on a proposal that would have validated the petrochemical industry’s deceit, increased toxic exposure in communities, and accelerated the already overwhelming proliferation of single-use plastics threatening our health and our environment.“
“One child affected by lead poisoning is too many, and this problem has persisted for far too long,” said Arnold Mikolo, Environmental Justice Advocate at CLF. “Our children deserve to grow up free from this toxic threat. The creation of this commission is a major step towards ending this injustice once and for all and protecting Manchester’s children.”
CLF’s Legal Food celebrates a milestone – its 1,000 case helping connect small farmers, food entrepreneurs, and nonprofits with free legal help.