Jun 27, 2022

Wind farm, environmentalists agree on ways to protect whales

“The vessel speed restrictions and adaptive management measures agreed to by South Fork Wind will go a long way toward protecting these whales from being injured or killed by project vessels,” said Priscilla Brooks, vice president and director of ocean conservation at the Conservation Law Foundation.

Jun 14, 2022

CLF Intervenes in Marine Monument Case

“With our ocean in peril from unsustainable human use and climate impacts, now is not the time to be rolling back necessary protections,” said CLF Senior Attorney Erica Fuller. “The Northeast Canyons and Seamounts is a biological hotspot that provides a refuge for a remarkable diversity of wildlife and has enormous scientific value. We look forward to standing up for the monument in court.”

Jun 06, 2022

A Gift from the Ocean: My First Right Whale Sighting

With fewer than 350 North Atlantic right whales left on the planet, an encounter with this species is a rare and extraordinary experience. Adilson Gonzalez shares his first sighting of these critically endangered animals.

Adilson Gonzalez first North Atlantic right whale sighting
Jun 01, 2022

CLF Opposes Dumping of Radioactive Wastewater in Cape Cod Bay

“Cape Cod Bay is not a dumping ground for toxic waste,” said Heather Govern, Vice President of Clean Air and Water at CLF. “Alternate methods of disposal for the radioactive water are available and Holtec must abandon all efforts to dispose of it in the bay immediately. The effects on the health of the bay, marine life, and the public are largely unknown but could be disastrous.”

May 02, 2022

Groups Urge BOEM to Consider Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind

“It’s simply flawed to choose areas for offshore wind development before doing a full environmental analysis,” said CLF attorney Nick Krakoff. “It is critical to advance the development of offshore wind to respond to the climate crisis and clean up our electric grid, but it must be done responsibly. BOEM must improve its processes and consider the full environmental and socioeconomic impacts of wind development before areas in the Gulf of Maine are chosen.”

Apr 13, 2022

Fishery Managers Approve Groundfish Monitoring Amendment

“This is a watershed moment for New England’s cod population,” said Allison Lorenc, Senior Policy Analyst at CLF. “The groundfish fishery has been plagued by overfishing for decades, but 100% at-sea monitoring will provide critical information needed for sustainable management. It’s time Atlantic cod are allowed to thrive in New England’s waters, and today’s announcement is a major step in that direction.”

To save Atlantic cod, CLF petitioned the federal government to take five conservation and management measures. Photo: Brian Skerry