Jul 31, 2023

5 Questions for Kate Sinding Daly

CLF’s new senior vice president of law and policy is a veteran environmental advocate primed to oversee the organization’s advocacy efforts across New England.

Kate Sinding Daly, CLF Senior Vice President of Law and Policy
Jul 07, 2023

Special Interests Aim to Sink Regulations Protecting Endangered Right Whales

North Atlantic right whales are on the verge of extinction – and we humans remain the biggest threat to their survival. Scientists are clear: We can’t afford to lose even one whale a year due to human causes if this critically endangered species is to recover. Collisions with boats and ships are one of those… Continue reading Special Interests Aim to Sink Regulations Protecting Endangered Right Whales

‘Infinity’ and calf were sighted 16.5 nautical miles off Amelia Island, FL on January 17, 2021. Catalog #3230 is 19 years old and this is her 1st calf.
Apr 27, 2023

The Truth about Overfishing

Overfishing is not caused by the actions of an individual boat. It’s a systemic problem in which federal regulators may allow fish to be caught faster than they can replenish themselves.

Atlantic Cod fish
Apr 25, 2023

Federal Officials Advance Offshore Wind in Gulf of Maine

“Expanding offshore wind is a necessity if New England is going to confront the climate crisis with everything we’ve got,” said CLF senior attorney Nick Krakoff. “The Gulf of Maine needs to be part of that strategy, yet it is critical to ensure that wind is developed responsibly. We must limit impacts on the critical species, habitats, and existing ocean users that make the area so special, and CLF will be at the table to make sure that happens.”

offshore wind farm