Sep 28, 2023

Emergency Right Whale Petition Seeks Overdue Protections From Vessel Strikes

“Just seven months ago, another right whale was killed off Virginia Beach, yet nothing has changed on the water,” said Erica Fuller, senior attorney at Conservation Law Foundation. “NOAA Fisheries has proposed a strong rule and their Office of Law Enforcement has made clear they’ll do everything they can to enforce it. Unfortunately, special interest groups in Congress have created a campaign of misinformation that now threatens to derail and delay protections. These are unnecessary deaths — we urge the agency to take action now.”

A right whale swimming off the coast of New England
Sep 22, 2023

Groups File Supreme Court Amicus Brief in New England Fisheries Case

“The ocean belongs to all of us and we allow fishermen access to these public resources for the cost of a permit,” said CLF Senior Attorney Erica Fuller. “But there are times, like this one, when the industry must shoulder a portion of the costs to gather data that ensures equity across fisheries. Without good monitoring on the largest boats in this fishery, we can’t prevent overfishing of Atlantic herring, a keystone forage species, or the further depletion of other valuable species such as haddock, shads, and river herring, caught as bycatch. The Supreme Court should reject the arguments being made in this case.”

Atlantic herring caught in a fishing net
Sep 15, 2023

New England’s Marine National Monument Turns 7 

“With our ocean in peril from the climate crisis, protected areas like the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts are more important than ever,” said Jen Felt, Ocean Campaign Director at CLF. “The monument is a biological hotspot that provides a refuge for a remarkable diversity of wildlife and has enormous scientific value. This natural treasure, provides resilience, refuge, and hope in a rapidly warming ocean, and it’s time to protect more areas just like it.”

Sep 13, 2023

What Is Greenwashing?

Some of the world’s biggest polluters want us to believe they’re going green – but they’re really just hiding “business as usual” behind slick words. Here’s how to spot greenwashing in action.

Illustration of greenwashing
Sep 05, 2023

New Poll Shows Concern over Ocean Health Among New Englanders

“New England’s ocean is facing a crisis on multiple fronts,” said Dr. Priscilla Brooks, Vice President of Ocean Conservation at CLF. “Climate change, overfishing, pollution, and habitat destruction are combining to dangerously affect marine life which, if left unchecked, does not bode well for the future of our ocean. This poll makes it clear that people are starting to take notice, and it’s time to protect more areas of the ocean to ensure current and future generations can enjoy this incredible resource.”
