Sep 05, 2015

Redefining Open Space

Beneath the waves are seascapes as diverse and breathtaking as anything found on land. Yet only a fraction of our ocean is protected worldwide. We make the case for protecting vital seascapes like Cashes Ledge, so that our ocean can survive and thrive for generations to come.

Sep 05, 2015

5 Questions for Dr. Sylvia Earle

In August 2015, conservationist and oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle launched a dive expedition to Cashes Ledge, the underwater mountain range 80 miles off the coast of Portland. We asked Dr. Earle about the need to protect Cashes Ledge and why she has designated it one of her “Hope Spots.”

Apr 08, 2015

Conservation Matters Spring 2015: Year in Review

Defending Our Climate: Massachusetts Youth Take Action on Climate Change… Stormwater Challenge: One Family’s Fight to Hold Polluters Accountable… Our Fisheries Future: A Lifelong Fisherman’s View… A Leg Up for Local Food: Legal Services Food Hub Lends a Hand to Farmers and Food Businesses… Building Healthy Communities One Neighborhood at a Time

Apr 05, 2015

Making Room for All the Fish (and More) in the Sea

In New England, the ocean is an integral part of our lives, economy, and communities. But today, our need for the ocean’s resources is growing. So New England is leading the way in creating the country’s first regional ocean plan to balance ocean protection with responsible development.

Sep 08, 2014

Conservation Matters Fall 2014

Redefining Open Space: The Case for Protecting Open Space in the Sea… Why I Give: Sam Warton and Chris Waters Bike Across the Country for CLF… Progress Report: Keeping the Lights On: Forcing the New England Governors’ Energy Plan Out of the Back Room… Five Questions for: Ivy Frignoca

Jul 08, 2014

Conservation Matters Summer 2014

A Natural Solution: Green Infrastructure is Transforming Stormwater Management for the 21st Century… Progress Report: Help Protect Cashes Ledge from Devastating Bottom Trawling… Why I Give: Stonyfield Farm’s Gary Hirshberg on CLF’s Impact… Five Questions for: Elena Mihaly

Apr 08, 2014

Conservation Matters Spring 2014: Year in Review

Hitting Its Stride: The Transformation of Our Energy System is Reaching its Tipping Point… Clean Solutions for Dirty Water: Stopping Nutrient Pollution from Laying Waste to Our Waterways… Pioneering Ocean Planning: Making Room for All the Fish (and More) in the Sea…Funding on the Move: Solving New England’s Transportation Puzzle… A Model Investment: Building Healthy Communities One Neighborhood at a Time

Jan 08, 2014

Conservation Matters Winter 2014

Coming Clean: CLF’s Clean Water Enforcement Project works to keep our waters healthy… Protecting Ocean Ecosystems: Habitat protection under threat in New England… Thank You to Our Generous Donors: Your support helped us reach our year-end fundraising goal… Five Questions For: Max Greene, Staff Attorney, CLF Rhode Island

Apr 29, 2013

Jennifer Felt

Jennifer Felt is CLF’s Ocean Campaign Director. In this position Jennifer works to build and expand a diverse, multi-stakeholder network for regional ocean planning across New England and helps to develop the nation’s first regional ocean plan. Prior to CLF, Jennifer was at the Marine Conservation Institute, where she worked for five years in Washington,… Continue reading Jennifer Felt

Apr 08, 2013

Conservation Matters Spring 2013: Year in Review

Ocean Habitat Protection: For the Sake of Cod & Country… Enforcing Water Quality Standards Across New England… Out with the Old, in with the New: New England is a critical moment in energy transformation… Sustainable Agriculture: Sustainable Food: Growth and Innovation