Mar 29, 2017

CLF and Partners Fight to Protect New England’s Only Marine Monument

“At Conservation Law Foundation, we have worked for years with scientists and members of the public who support permanent protection of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts and other such special areas,” said Peter Shelley, Senior Counsel for the Conservation Law Foundation. “We need to intervene in this unfortunate litigation filed by fishermen – who use this area little, if at all – to ensure New Englanders’ and scientists’ views are properly before the court as it considers the industry’s claims.”

Mar 02, 2017

Third Ocean Frontiers Film Highlights Ocean Management and the ‘Blue Economy’

  The crew that brought us Ocean Frontiers: The Dawn of a New Era in Ocean Stewardship and Ocean Frontiers II: A New England Story for Sustaining the Sea is back with a third installment. This newest documentary showcases the progress of ocean management in the context of what it means to be responsible stewards… Continue reading Third Ocean Frontiers Film Highlights Ocean Management and the ‘Blue Economy’

Feb 17, 2017

Whose Side Will Scott Pruitt Really Be On?

Scott Pruitt is more than just a threat to our environment – he’s a threat to our economy, our safety, and our entire way of life. The stakes are too high to stand idly by. CLF is ready for the fight.

Photo: Scott Pruitt
Feb 02, 2017

Baker Administration Unlawfully Approves Mayor Walsh’s Betrayal of Public Trust

“The Baker Administration is now fully complicit in Mayor Walsh’s unlawful effort to enrich a favored developer using public resources,” said CLF President Bradley M. Campbell. “CLF will now turn to the courts to enforce well-established law and ask the Attorney General to fulfill her duty to protect the public trust. Meanwhile, the City’s unwillingness to stand up for the true stewards of our waterfront – the people of Massachusetts – will again delay needed improvements to this treasured public resource.”

Feb 02, 2017

Top Raimondo Staffer to Lead CLF Rhode Island Office

“CLF has been at the forefront of some of Rhode Island’s seminal environmental triumphs, and it is an honor to be leading such an impressive and accomplished team in the fights ahead,” said Moses. “In the past year alone, CLF has held polluters accountable for endangering our waters, protected the people of Johnston from a toxic landfill, and helped bring offshore wind to our state. We are certain to face countless uphill battles in the years to come, and I know CLF is ready to tackle them.”

Jan 17, 2017

Been There, Stopped That: Survival Lessons for a Trump Presidency from Maine

As the country girds itself for the incoming Trump administration, we can draw lessons from the experience of Mainers under Governor Paul LePage, who remarked that, before Trump was Trump, LePage was LePage. The parallels to the Trump administration are notable. Like President-elect Trump, Governor LePage did not receive a majority of votes when he… Continue reading Been There, Stopped That: Survival Lessons for a Trump Presidency from Maine

Jan 11, 2017

Cashes Ledge: The Next Chapter for Protecting New England’s Ocean Treasures

Soon, President Obama will close his eight years in office with a strong ocean legacy. He will be remembered for having protected more square miles of ocean than any president before. His administration created new marine sanctuaries, expanded Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, and of course, designated the first such monument in the Atlantic, the Northeast Canyons… Continue reading Cashes Ledge: The Next Chapter for Protecting New England’s Ocean Treasures

Cashes Ledge kelp forest
Dec 28, 2016

Our Changing Ocean

Climate Impacts in Motion In September, leaders from around the world gathered in Washington, D.C., for the third annual Our Ocean Conference, hosted by Secretary of State John Kerry. Together, they committed to 136 new initiatives aimed at conserving and protecting fragile ocean areas worldwide. In between commitments from the countries of Sri Lanka and… Continue reading Our Changing Ocean