Jun 15, 2017

An Open Letter to Interior Secretary Zinke as He Visits New England

Dear Interior Secretary Zinke: Welcome to New England! We’re glad you’re visiting New England this week and hope you enjoyed your tour of the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument. We treasure our national monuments and care deeply about the value they provide. You were able to experience the wondrous views of Mount Katahdin and… Continue reading An Open Letter to Interior Secretary Zinke as He Visits New England

Jun 13, 2017

Restoration Efforts Bring Thousands of Native Fish Back to Maine’s Coastal Rivers

It’s that time of year when fish like alewives and blueback herring journey from the sea to their native fresh waters to spawn. As a keystone species, these fish, collectively known as river herring, play a critical role as building blocks in our coastal ecosystems. They are also important to the health of New England’s fisheries,… Continue reading Restoration Efforts Bring Thousands of Native Fish Back to Maine’s Coastal Rivers

May 12, 2017

Blue Vision Summit: A Time to Come Together to Advocate for Our Oceans

This week, ocean advocates convened at the Blue Vision Summit in Washington, D.C., to rally support in defense of our blue movement and to discuss solutions to some of the ocean’s toughest challenges. This three-day meeting brought together some 500 participants from across the country, first to meet with members of Congress and, second, to… Continue reading Blue Vision Summit: A Time to Come Together to Advocate for Our Oceans

Sen. Maggie Hassan
May 05, 2017

Facing Another Tough Season, New England’s Groundfishery Needs These Three Things

May’s arrival means that summer is finally close. In New England, there is no better time to enjoy a fresh, local seafood dinner than on a warm summer night. For many of us, that means serving up New England staples like haddock, cod, or flounder. These species aren’t only dinner staples, however. They also form… Continue reading Facing Another Tough Season, New England’s Groundfishery Needs These Three Things

Apr 26, 2017

Trump Attack on National Monuments is Affront to National Heritage

“This Executive Order is an attack on America’s national heritage,” said CLF Senior Counsel Peter Shelley. “For more than a hundred years, presidents of both parties have used the Antiquities Act to protect our most treasured places. Attempts to change the fabric of our national monuments are unprecedented, and we will continue to fight back on behalf of these places that belong to all Americans. An attack on any monument is an attack on them all.”

Apr 10, 2017

Join Us for Screening of Documentary Chronicling Struggling Cod Industry April 13

On Thursday, April 13, Conservation Law Foundation will host a special screening of “Sacred Cod: The Fight for the Future of America’s Oldest Fishery” at Boston Public Library. The film, which debuts on Discovery the same night, captures the collapse of New England’s iconic cod population, delving into the role of overfishing, the impact of… Continue reading Join Us for Screening of Documentary Chronicling Struggling Cod Industry April 13

Apr 04, 2017

Administration’s Proposed NOAA Cuts Won’t Cut it for New England’s Coasts

When President Trump released his proposed budget to Congress, we already knew to expect severe cuts across almost every program. But, the proposal went beyond even our worst fears, especially when it comes to programs that protect our air and water, and support the most vulnerable communities among us. While the President’s proposal is just… Continue reading Administration’s Proposed NOAA Cuts Won’t Cut it for New England’s Coasts

Apr 03, 2017

Defending New England’s Only Marine Monument

Last week, Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit brought by fishing industry groups who have challenged President Obama’s designation of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument under the Antiquities Act of 1906. In partnership with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the Center for Biological Diversity, and… Continue reading Defending New England’s Only Marine Monument

Defending Marine Monuments