Dec 08, 2021

Regional Fishing Council Recommends New Catch Limits for Atlantic Cod

“Today’s decision proves that the Council has completely abandoned its duty to develop catch limits that rebuild Atlantic cod to sustainable levels,” said Allison Lorenc, Senior Policy Analyst at CLF. “It is devastating to see this iconic species inch closer to complete collapse, and today’s decision does nothing to prevent that. It’s past time for NOAA Fisheries to disapprove these risky catch limits that don’t comply with the law.”

To save Atlantic cod, CLF petitioned the federal government to take five conservation and management measures. Photo: Brian Skerry
Nov 24, 2021

Progress on the Road to Ropeless Fishing Gear

Learn how transitioning to ropeless fishing gear offers an alternative that could recover right whales and preserve the livelihood of New England’s iconic lobstermen and women.

Ropeless fishing right whale NOAA