Mar 02, 2023

Winds of Change

With at least nine new offshore wind farms geared to start spinning in New England by 2028, now is the moment to consider what thoughtful and inclusive offshore wind infrastructure looks like.

Construction of an offshore wind turbine
Feb 01, 2023

The Truth About Electric Stoves  

The gas industry is trying to convince us that electric stoves are inferior to gas stoves. But we’ve got the facts that make electric stoves sizzle with potential.

Hand turning on an electric burner
Dec 29, 2022

5 Questions for Shannon Laun

Shannon Laun oversees CLF’s newly opened Connecticut office, making headway on the state’s biggest environmental challenges.

Shannon Laun
Dec 16, 2022

Shinelle Kirk

Shinelle serves as the Research Associate working on the Healthy Neighborhoods Study. In this role, she manages research data and works with community partners to turn research into action.  She comes to CLF from Boston Medical Center, where she worked as a Senior Researcher in the Department of Emergency Medicine. Shinelle holds a BS in… Continue reading Shinelle Kirk

Shinelle Kirk
Dec 15, 2022

Amid Pressure, VT Legislators Delay Vote on Pesticide Rule

“People have a right to make their voice heard when harmful chemicals are being used in their neighborhoods,” said CLF attorney Mason Overstreet. “The proposed rule threatens public health and runs counter to the goals laid out in Vermont’s climate laws. Legislators made the right decision in postponing a vote, and this rule should go back to the drawing board.”

Vermont's state house in autumn