Apr 08, 2015
Defending Our Climate: Massachusetts Youth Take Action on Climate Change… Stormwater Challenge: One Family’s Fight to Hold Polluters Accountable… Our Fisheries Future: A Lifelong Fisherman’s View… A Leg Up for Local Food: Legal Services Food Hub Lends a Hand to Farmers and Food Businesses… Building Healthy Communities One Neighborhood at a Time
Apr 05, 2015
Today, record numbers of Americans suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes and asthma, which are strongly influenced by their neighborhood and environmental conditions. At the same time, traditional sources of public funding for development are drying up, making the vision of a healthy community harder to realize.
Apr 05, 2015
With healthcare costs and rates of obesity and other chronic disease soaring – especially among low-income populations – community groups and public health organizations are increasingly aware that improving neighborhood environments can boost health outcomes. But, traditional financing sources simply aren’t capable of addressing those needs at the project level.
Mar 10, 2015
Virginia (Gina) Foote is the Director of Impact Investment at CLF, where she helps develop market-based solutions to address New England’s environmental problems. Gina oversees three impact funds co-sponsored by CLF: the Healthy Neighborhood Equity Fund I and II, and the Healthy Retail and Commerce Fund. Gina and her team are growing CLF’s portfolio of… Continue reading Virginia Foote
Oct 01, 2014
While it does not replace good legal counsel, this Guide sets a framework to help entrepreneurs understand how different business structures can impact their criteria and goals. Though we initially intended to create a guide specifically for local food enterprises, the information and themes proved to be universal, and so we offer this industry agnostic guide.
Apr 08, 2014
Hitting Its Stride: The Transformation of Our Energy System is Reaching its Tipping Point… Clean Solutions for Dirty Water: Stopping Nutrient Pollution from Laying Waste to Our Waterways… Pioneering Ocean Planning: Making Room for All the Fish (and More) in the Sea…Funding on the Move: Solving New England’s Transportation Puzzle… A Model Investment: Building Healthy Communities One Neighborhood at a Time
Apr 09, 2011
Fisheries Management: Building healthier fish populations and thriving coastal communities… Nutrient Pollution: Restoring New England’s waters to health… Public Transportation: Accelerating toward better transportation… Coal-free New England: Making way for the region’s clean energy future… CLF Ventures: Work in the Public Sector