Dec 28, 2016
For a neighborhood to truly thrive, it needs healthy people, a healthy environment, and a healthy economy with opportunities for all. Improving neighborhood environments can boost health, but traditional financing sources simply aren’t capable of addressing those needs at a project level. Recognizing the complex challenges of building healthy and sustainable communities, three years ago,… Continue reading Building Healthy Communities One Neighborhood at a Time
Nov 30, 2016
Celebrating 50 Years of CLF Going Low-Carb Transforming New England’s Energy System Coal-Free New England Community Voices: The Clean Energy Landscape Web of Deceit Holding ExxonMobil Accountable for Its Decades of Climate Denial Community Voices: A Message to ExxonMobil A Tale of Two Rivers Boston Harbor 2.0 The New Frontier in the Fight to Save… Continue reading Conservation Matters Fall 2016
Aug 15, 2016
… What has happened to the Maine Public Utilities Commission? It used to be a respite from politics, relying on a strong staff, expert opinion and transparent analysis to guide Maine’s energy policy. But recent decisions show that our current PUC has little regard for its staff or the opinions of the expert consultants it… Continue reading Maine Voices: PUC, LePage Spurn Consumers While Granting Gas Industry’s Pipe Dream
Aug 10, 2016
… But the Conservation Law Foundation represents a formidable foe, given its platoon of attorneys and the ease in which it can engage in a legal war. “This is a sweetheart deal for one developer,” said Bradley Campbell, the organization’s president. “We think this is a very dangerous precedent. . . . If this project… Continue reading Environmental Group Takes On Proposed Seaport Tower
Jul 27, 2016
… Advocates for more public transportation cheered the governor’s approval of the Legislature’s language. “There’s been a lot of confusion over many years about how fares can go up, and this will give us clarity,” said Rafael Mares, a vice president of the Conservation Law Foundation. “This is such an important change that it would… Continue reading Cap on T Fare Hikes is Lowered
Jul 19, 2016
… That’s because the Conservation Law Foundation has argued that the state doesn’t have legislation authorizing one. “If Massachusetts cannot move forward than that presents a substantial obstacle to Maine actually going forward with the contract because they constitute a significant portion of the load in the region,” Tettlebaum says. Read more here…
Jun 14, 2016
… The Boston-based Conservation Law Foundation filed an objection to the settlement over related concerns. Read more here…
Jan 26, 2016
We help to create affordable neighborhood housing developments close to open space, healthy food, and public transit. We push for a strong, local food economy regionwide. And we work to make sure people and communities can bounce back from the extreme weather climate change is already bringing to our neighborhoods.
Dec 03, 2015
Our interest in health data and metrics grew out of a collaborative effort to build a new real estate investment fund for transit-oriented development called the Healthy Neighborhoods Equity Fund.
Sep 08, 2015
“New England is poised to lead the nation in responding to climate change and emerging threats to our environment and public health. CLF has been the driving force in getting New England to this point. I am excited to lead CLF’s smart and devoted advocates as we write a new chapter in protecting the region’s… Continue reading Bradley Campbell