May 08, 2017

Tell Scott Pruitt: You Can’t Repeal and Replace Clean Air and Clean Water

Back in February, President Trump issued an executive order requiring government agencies to review and evaluate all existing regulations on the books. This is all in service to an earlier executive order that says federal agencies must axe two regulations for each new one they create. We have an opportunity right now to speak up… Continue reading Tell Scott Pruitt: You Can’t Repeal and Replace Clean Air and Clean Water

Photo: Scott Pruitt
May 05, 2017

Keeping Maine’s Feet to the Fire on Solar Progress

Solar power offers a clean, affordable solution to dirty fossil fuels. So CLF is fighting a regressive new rule from the Maine Public Utilities Commission that threatens to punish solar panel owners and keep Maine from moving forward.

Photo: Solar panel
May 01, 2017

CLF Fights Back Against Maine’s Disastrous New Solar Rules

“In March, the PUC turned its back on the people of Maine, our laws, our health, and our economic well-being,” said CLF attorney Emily Green. “These new solar rules are regressive, harmful, and illegal, and that’s why we’re pushing back on all fronts. We’re optimistic that the legislature will stand on the side of Mainers and protect our air and our wallets, but if they fail to act, it will fall to the state’s highest court to do the right thing.”

Photo: Solar panel
Apr 28, 2017

CLF Takes VT Gas Fight to State’s Highest Court

“If we knew four years ago what we know now, this project would never have been approved,” said CLF senior attorney Sandra Levine. “With costs skyrocketing while renewable alternatives are cheaper than ever, it’s become increasingly clear that this pipeline is a bad deal both economically and environmentally for the people of Vermont. We cannot give this project a free pass while Vermonters pay the price.”

Apr 25, 2017

R.I. environmentalists present legislative priorities to lawmakers, governor

Taxing carbon, strengthening green building standards and extending the life of a renewable energy program are among the bills that the state’s environmental community is pushing for this legislative session. At its annual lobbying day Tuesday at the State House, the Environment Council of Rhode Island presented its priorities to legislators and Gov. Gina Raimondo.… Continue reading R.I. environmentalists present legislative priorities to lawmakers, governor

Apr 22, 2017

Conservation Matters Spring 2017

Talking Trash CLF Launches Zero-Waste Project to Tackle Massachusetts’s Trash Problem Getting Smart about Energy Energy Efficiency Under Fire in Maine Why I Give Rebecca LaRocque Five Questions For… Rebekah Weber, Lake Champlain Lakekeeper

Apr 12, 2017

Climate-Damaging Emissions are Down in Massachusetts, but Getting to 2050 Will Take Much More

Last week Massachusetts finalized and released the state’s latest inventory of its statewide emissions of climate-damaging greenhouse gases (GHGs). The final numbers indicate that in 2014, the Commonwealth released the equivalent of 74.6 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is a slight improvement over 2013. That’s good news and is far better than the increase in climate-damaging emissions we saw the year before. But a single year of slightly lower emissions isn’t good enough.

Apr 12, 2017

CLF and New England Battle Back as President Trump Attacks U.S. Climate Progress

On March 28th, President Trump signed an executive order that launched a full-scale attack on our national progress in protecting public health and the environment from dangerous climate change. The so-called Energy Independence Order asks EPA to reconsider the Clean Power Plan, the first-ever federal rule designed to reduce climate-warming emissions from power plants, as… Continue reading CLF and New England Battle Back as President Trump Attacks U.S. Climate Progress

Clean Power Plan Gets Its Day in Court
Apr 11, 2017

CLF Brings Public Utilities Commission to Maine Supreme Court for Underfunding Energy Efficiency

CLF took the Maine Public Utilities Commission to court today for underfunding the state’s three-year energy efficiency budget by $30 million – resulting in losses of $270 million dollars for Maine citizens and businesses. You read that right – shortchanging energy efficiency translates to lost benefits totaling hundreds of millions of dollars for hardworking Mainers.

Photo: LED light bulb