Jun 01, 2017

Even With Trump as Cheerleader, the Coal Industry Can Only Decline

As President Donald Trump announced plans to withdraw from the Paris climate pact, the last coal-fired power plant in New England quietly closed its doors for good. … The pro-environmental Conservation Law Foundation called the closure “a win,” saying the “outdated” plant had subjected the region to “roughly 50 years of spewing air, water, and… Continue reading Even With Trump as Cheerleader, the Coal Industry Can Only Decline

Jun 01, 2017

RI Judge Hears Arguments On Motion To Dismiss Lawsuit Against Invenergy, Johnston

… The Conservation Law Foundation, an environmental advocacy organization, filed a lawsuit in March claiming a water contract between the Town of Johnston and Invenergy, the power plant’s developer, is illegal. The contract says Johnston will buy water from Providence and resell it to Invenergy to cool the power plant. CLF is arguing that according to a… Continue reading RI Judge Hears Arguments On Motion To Dismiss Lawsuit Against Invenergy, Johnston

Jun 01, 2017

‘Tragic Mistake’: Maine Leaders React to Withdrawal From Paris Climate Accord

… Sean Mahoney, executive vice president of the Conservation Law Foundation said Trump’s decision effectively isolates the U.S. “What can’t be mitigated is that there will be a loss of jobs because of this decision today and lost opportunity as Trump makes the U.S. a pariah in the world community. It will be very hard… Continue reading ‘Tragic Mistake’: Maine Leaders React to Withdrawal From Paris Climate Accord

May 31, 2017

A Win for New England: Brayton Point Power Plant Shuts Down for Good

Today, New England’s largest coal plant shut its doors. Brayton Point Station in Somerset, Massachusetts, shuttered production today after roughly 50 years of spewing air, water, and carbon pollution into the South Shore air and the Mt. Hope Bay. For years, Conservation Law Foundation and our allies worked tirelessly to close the outdated power plant.… Continue reading A Win for New England: Brayton Point Power Plant Shuts Down for Good

May 31, 2017

Trump’s Withdrawal from Paris Agreement Would Be Reckless, Inexcusable

“President Trump’s reported decision to withdraw from the historic Paris Climate Agreement puts the U.S. on the wrong side of history and at odds with nearly 200 other countries that understand the threat climate change poses to the global economy and our survival as a species,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “CLF will be fighting to ensure this stroke of the president’s pen does not alter New England’s effort to protect our communities from climate risk and does not deter the innovators leading the expanding world market for the clean energy technologies that will shape our future.”

May 22, 2017

CLF Defends Saugus Residents from Unmonitored Ash Landfill

“The Saugus ash landfill sits at the heart of a thriving community, yet landfills of this type are infamous for releasing lead, mercury, and other cancer-causing chemicals into our air and water,” said CLF attorney Kirstie Pecci. “Despite this significant hazard, the landfill has operated for decades without monitoring its impact or creating an adequate barrier from the families and businesses that call Saugus home. It’s time for Wheelabrator to answer for its years of neglect and finally commit to water quality monitoring as the law requires and the community demands.”

Landfill in Saugus, MA
May 11, 2017

Proposed Legislation Would Help Massachusetts Communities Prepare for Climate Change Impacts

Tackling the root causes of climate change by cleaning up our energy supply and making our homes, businesses, and cars cleaner and greener is critical in averting the worst impacts our changing climate will bring. But it’s not enough. We need to brace for the climate impacts already in motion by making our communities across… Continue reading Proposed Legislation Would Help Massachusetts Communities Prepare for Climate Change Impacts

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