Jun 30, 2017

Big Decision Issued on Solar in New Hampshire

A big decision on solar makes cuts to net metering in the Granite State, but creates a clean energy path with the potential to transform the state’s energy planning.

Jun 29, 2017

Groups Celebrate Major Step Forward for Massachusetts Offshore Wind Power

“No matter how you slice it, the future of Massachusetts’ energy grid, economy, and environment relies upon offshore wind. Today, the Commonwealth took a big step toward making that future a reality,” said Conservation Law Foundation Staff Attorney Megan Herzog. “Though we are disappointed that regulators did not heed our call for an earlier deadline to get turbines spinning, we are confident that wind developers can propose catalyzing projects that deliver clean energy to Massachusetts residents as quickly as possible while protecting our valuable marine and coastal resources. Conservation Law Foundation will stay engaged every step of the way to make sure Massachusetts fully seizes this opportunity for healthier air, local jobs, and climate-friendly electricity.”

Photo: Wind turbines
Jun 28, 2017

Bill to Protect Solar Energy Wins Approval from Maine Legislature

“When the PUC tried to gut solar energy programs across our state, it did so in direct defiance of public opinion and economic opportunity,” said CLF attorney Emily Green. “Today, the state legislature stood on the side of all Mainers and righted this wrong. Good solar policy creates jobs, lowers energy prices, and protects our air and water, and we thank all those who fought for progress and today prevailed.”

Jun 26, 2017

NH Net Metering Ruling Keeps State on Path to More Clean Energy

“This decision includes cuts to an important program for clean energy in the Granite State and is far from perfect. However, it provides a framework to ensure New Hampshire doesn’t fall behind in the clean energy economy,” said CLF attorney Melissa Birchard. “Thanks to a clean energy roadmap proposed by CLF and others, the PUC will launch an effort to document the many benefits that rooftop solar and other local, clean energy offers New Hampshire families and businesses. At the same time, the PUC will initiate pilot programs to demonstrate the untapped ways that innovative technologies can save us all money and strengthen the electric grid. We are optimistic that this new policy will put our state on a path to cleaner, healthier and safer communities for years to come.”

Jun 20, 2017

CLF Victory in Superior Court Case on Invenergy

On June 20, 2017, a Rhode Island Superior Court judge denied Invenergy’s Motion to Dismiss CLF’s lawsuit against the company. CLF’s Superior Court lawsuit asserts that the water contract between Invenergy and the Town of Johnston to supply water to Invenergy’s proposed power plant is illegal. This Superior Court case pertains to Invenergy, but is separate from… Continue reading CLF Victory in Superior Court Case on Invenergy

Jun 20, 2017

CLF Thwarts Invenergy’s Attempt to Derail Lawsuit

“When a fossil fuel company tries to take Providence’s water in order to power a plant we overwhelmingly oppose, we have a right to stand up and fight,” said CLF senior attorney Jerry Elmer. “Today, the courts affirmed that right. Rhode Island is poised to be a leader in clean, renewable energy, and we cannot turn back the clocks by doubling down on dirty fuels that are already on their way out.”

Jun 02, 2017

Exxon Shareholders’ Historic Vote for Climate Action

After decades of funding climate deceit and denial, ExxonMobil shareholders overwhelmingly voted to include climate change risks in Exxon’s corporate disclosures – a huge turning point for a company that has turned a blind eye to climate change for decades.

Photo: Protests outside Exxon Shareholders Meeting 2017 in Dallas, TX