Aug 03, 2017

Denier: Governor Sununu Says Global Warming May Not Be Caused by Carbon Emissions

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu has now openly denied the scientific consensus that climate change is primarily caused by excess heat-trapping carbon in our atmosphere. Initially, we were hopeful the governor might rise above partisan politics and family prejudices (his brother Michael is an outspoken climate denier) to take a responsible position on climate change.… Continue reading Denier: Governor Sununu Says Global Warming May Not Be Caused by Carbon Emissions

Aug 02, 2017

On Solar Power, Maine Legislature Falls Short

“Today’s failure is one that has a direct impact on the wallets of businesses and families across our state,” said CLF attorney Emily Green. “Despite the bill’s overwhelming passage in June and widespread public support, clean energy in Maine has once again fallen victim to Governor LePage’s and utilities’ anti-progress stance. Regardless of this regressive decision by the legislature, CLF will continue fighting to ensure that solar power has a bright future in Maine.”

Photo: Solar panel
Jul 28, 2017

Fighting Big Gas

Jason and Erin Olkowski never saw themselves as activists and community organizers. But that all changed when Invenergy came to their small Rhode Island town, with its plans to build a massive new natural gas plant next door to family homes and within a pristine conservation area.

Jason and Erin Olkowski
Jul 20, 2017

Governor Scott Creates Vermont Climate Commission

“Vermonters across our state are calling for real, measurable action to reduce harmful carbon emissions into the air we breathe, and this commission is a step in the right direction,” said CLF senior attorney Sandra Levine. “But to meet the Paris climate commitments, Vermont needs more than a new commission — we need concrete policy outcomes. These include putting a price on carbon pollution, increasing energy efficiency measures statewide and cutting carbon emissions every year. CLF looks forward to working with the Governor in order to ensure that this commission delivers real solutions for Vermonters to meet the challenge of climate change.”

Jul 18, 2017

Defining Moment: The Importance of Advancing the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative’s Climate Leadership

President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement has placed a renewed emphasis on local, state, and regional action on climate change. Just last month, 14 states – including four in New England – entered into the U.S. Climate Alliance, vowing to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement within their borders. The… Continue reading Defining Moment: The Importance of Advancing the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative’s Climate Leadership

Jul 10, 2017

Another Win for New England: Moving Beyond the Access Northeast Pipeline

At the end of June, Eversource and National Grid — two of New England’s biggest utilities — along with pipeline operator Enbridge, withdrew plans for a $3.2 billion natural gas pipeline known as Access Northeast. The companies have been pushing for this dirty fossil fuel pipeline for years, and wanted New England families and businesses… Continue reading Another Win for New England: Moving Beyond the Access Northeast Pipeline