Aug 23, 2017

Nine States Announce Long-Term Commitment to Lowering Carbon Pollution

“With the Trump Administration making every effort to turn back the clock on environmental progress, it falls to state and regional collaboration to lead the way in protecting public health and defending clean air and water,” said CLF attorney Phelps Turner. “For nearly a decade, RGGI has been a sterling example of the positive impact such collaboration can have on both the environment and the economy, and today’s new commitments represent a significant contribution to our work to leave a cleaner and safer home for future generations.”

Clean Power Plan Gets Its Day in Court
Aug 18, 2017

Is Your Home Ready for the Solar Eclipse?

Excited about the solar eclipse? Curious how it might affect the energy grid here in New England? We put together some handy information, as well as practical things you can do to prepare.  

Aug 17, 2017

An Open Letter to Providence Mayor Elorza Regarding Invenergy

Dear Mayor Elorza: On August 11, 2017, Michael Sabatoni, President of the Rhode Island Building and Construction Trades Council, emailed you a letter pertaining to the pending Superior Court litigation regarding the water contract between the Town of Johnston and Invenergy. That pending lawsuit was brought by Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) and the Town of… Continue reading An Open Letter to Providence Mayor Elorza Regarding Invenergy

Aug 15, 2017

CLF Ramps Up Fight to Support Maine Solar Power

“The new rule penalizes homeowners and businesses that generate solar energy, hampering our opportunities to increase energy independence, reduce electricity costs and support one of the fastest growing sectors in Maine’s economy,” said CLF Executive Vice President Sean Mahoney. “This LePage-appointed commission wants us to believe that charging Mainers for the energy we generate in our own homes is just and fair, but we’re not falling for it. If this rule remains on the books, it will undermine state policy and threaten an industry already providing hundreds of good jobs across our state.” 

Good solar policy is important for the success of clean energy.
Aug 11, 2017

MA Announces New Regulations to Reduce Carbon Pollution

“These rules re-establish the Commonwealth as a national leader in developing sensible, enforceable standards to transition our economy to a low-carbon future,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Much more needs to be done, and Governor Baker’s leadership will be essential to getting neighboring states to take meaningful action to prepare New England for the energy future being shaped by the Paris Climate Agreement.” 

Paris Climate Accord
Aug 10, 2017

Connecticut’s Draft Energy Strategy Is Big on Dirty Gas, Short on Clean Energy

By Caitlin Peale Sloan and Max Greene In July, Governor Malloy released a long-awaited Comprehensive Energy Strategy for Connecticut. While it shows Connecticut’s interest in cutting carbon pollution, this strategy will not help the state reach its clean energy goals. Instead, it would further Connecticut’s reliance on dirty gas and destructive gas pipelines. What the… Continue reading Connecticut’s Draft Energy Strategy Is Big on Dirty Gas, Short on Clean Energy

Aug 07, 2017

The Fight for Solar in Maine Continues

In a stunning walk backwards, the Maine legislature failed again to override Governor LePage’s veto of legislation that would have supported solar progress in Maine. Passed in June, the bipartisan bill would have helped create stability in the state’s solar marketplace by ensuring that solar panel customers are fairly compensated for the power they produce… Continue reading The Fight for Solar in Maine Continues

Photo: Solar panel