Jan 30, 2018

Climate Adaptation and Liability: A Legal Primer and Workshop Summary

Climate change impacts are affecting New England communities now, so CLF set out to determine the liability risks of government entities and other decision makers if they fail to prepare for these impacts. The result is the CLF Climate Adaptation and Liability report, which looks at the theories of legal liability for design professionals (such as… Continue reading Climate Adaptation and Liability: A Legal Primer and Workshop Summary

Jan 30, 2018

Rising Seas, Rising Standards of Care

In 2013, a two-day downpour struck the Chicago area, causing massive flooding, overflowing sewers, and millions of dollars in property damage. After the clean-up, Farmers Insurance company filed a landmark class action lawsuit against the Water Reclamation District for greater Chicago on behalf of its policyholders and other property insurance companies affected by the flooding.… Continue reading Rising Seas, Rising Standards of Care

Jan 29, 2018

Join Us in Opposing Trump Administration’s Oil and Gas Drilling Plans

[Update: Public meetings postponed due to the federal government shutdown have been rescheduled. The New England dates are as follows: Feb. 13 – Hartford, CT; Feb. 27 – Boston, MA; Feb. 28 – Providence, RI; March 5 – Concord, NH; March 7 – Augusta, ME. Sign up to attend a meeting near you here. There are also coordinated opposition events concurrent… Continue reading Join Us in Opposing Trump Administration’s Oil and Gas Drilling Plans

Stop oil and gas drilling
Jan 27, 2018

False Claims and Desperate Measures Mark Latest Chapter with Northern Pass

Eversource is trying to silence CLF’s opposition to its controversial Northern Pass project. We think they should instead spend their energies responding to the Granite Staters’ concerns about the harmful impacts the proposed massive transmission line will have on their communities and landscapes.

Jan 25, 2018

Northern Pass Selection Shows Utter Disregard for Public Outcry

“Choosing Northern Pass reflects a process corrupted by the heavy hand of our region’s largest utility,” said Greg Cunningham, Director of CLF’s Clean Energy and Climate Change program. “This decision is a slap in the face to dozens of affected communities and thousands of local residents who have been outspoken in opposing this harmful proposal. Northern Pass’s developers have shown total disregard for the permanent and severe impacts this project would have on communities and the environment. To sell their project, they have peddled mistruths to the public and to the selection committee. It is not the solution Massachusetts wants or needs, and CLF will continue to oppose it.”

transmission lines
Jan 25, 2018

How Do Solar Panels Work?

At the most basic level, solar panels take light from the sun and turn it into electricity that you can use to power your stuff, from the small (your phone) to the large (your home or your business).

Jan 09, 2018

Massachusetts Hits the Accelerator on Clean Transportation

Massachusetts has long been a leader in promoting clean, climate-friendly electric cars and trucks. And now, the Commonwealth is taking another leap forward in ending our reliance on gas- and diesel-powered vehicles. A recent order from the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities gives the green light to Eversource, the region’s largest energy company, to invest… Continue reading Massachusetts Hits the Accelerator on Clean Transportation

Electric vehicles are a critical part of our climate solutions.