Feb 16, 2018

Massachusetts Opens State Clean Energy Contract

“Moving forward with New England Clean Energy Connect is good news for both Massachusetts and New Hampshire,” said Brad Campbell, President of CLF. “The steps laid out by the Department of Energy Resources will establish, on the record, that the destructive, unpopular, and excessively expensive Northern Pass project is not feasible – and the concurrent negotiation with Avangrid will keep the process moving toward a better option.”

Feb 12, 2018

Massachusetts Releases Omnibus Clean Energy Bill

“This ambitious bill is a bold statement of our need to fight for the health and safety of our communities,” said David Ismay, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Climate change is already affecting families and businesses across our state, and these comprehensive solutions will help us reach our 2050 climate goals and beyond. The future of Massachusetts is clean energy that is affordable and accessible to everyone. This omnibus bill gives us the opportunity to simultaneously reduce our emissions, bring good jobs to the region, and invigorate our neighborhoods.”

MA legislators can still make progress on clean energy
Feb 07, 2018

ISO Forward Capacity Auction Results Show (Yet Again) Invenergy Is Not Needed

The ISO’s Forward Capacity Auction 12, conducted on Monday, February 5, 2018, once again shows that the proposed Invenergy fracked gas and diesel oil power plant is not needed. What Is the Forward Capacity Auction? The Independent System Operator-New England (ISO) is the entity that runs the New England electricity grid. The ISO is regulated… Continue reading ISO Forward Capacity Auction Results Show (Yet Again) Invenergy Is Not Needed

Feb 06, 2018

Building for the Climate of the Future

Barely a month ago, a historic storm blasted coastal New England – a “bomb cyclone” that brought blizzard conditions, heavy snow, and massive flooding to Boston’s Seaport neighborhood and other waterfront communities like Chelsea and Salem. As the storm raged, Twitter and Facebook feeds filled with a barrage of images showing icy waters flowing down… Continue reading Building for the Climate of the Future

Feb 02, 2018

Governor LePage Abuses His Power in Attempt to Block Clean Energy in Maine

Governor LePage is renewing his assault on clean, renewable energy in Maine. Late last month, he issued an Executive Order that imposes a moratorium on new development of wind power in the state. The order establishes an advisory commission – to be handpicked by LePage – that will meet in secret to review the impacts… Continue reading Governor LePage Abuses His Power in Attempt to Block Clean Energy in Maine

Feb 02, 2018

New Hampshire Deals Potentially Fatal Blow to Northern Pass

The saga of Eversources’s Northern Pass transmission project took another dramatic turn this week when the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee – a major and necessary hurdle for the project – voted unanimously to reject the proposal. Barely a week before this decision by New Hampshire regulators, the contentious project had been selected as the sole… Continue reading New Hampshire Deals Potentially Fatal Blow to Northern Pass

transmission lines
Feb 02, 2018

Invenergy Starts 2018 Flailing

Invenergy’s proposed power plant barely avoided a near-fatal blow to its proposed dirty energy power plant in January, though it still has big hurdles to overcome before it can push shovels in the ground.

Feb 01, 2018

Northern Pass Denied Permit by Unanimous Decision

“Northern Pass has bullied its way through this process, and today’s decision says loud and clear that the people of New Hampshire won’t stand for it,” said CLF attorney Melissa Birchard. “The committee served us well. It heard the overwhelming opposition of towns and communities, and it rejected Northern Pass’s false claims that New Hampshire’s properties, tourism industry, and treasured resources would be unmarred by this proposal. The Baker administration now has the opportunity to get this selection right by immediately choosing the best and most qualified project to put the state’s critical clean energy purchase back on track.”

Jan 30, 2018

CLF Brings LePage to Court for Outrageous Wind Power Decision

“This Executive Order is a naked political attempt to impose the Governor’s own anti-renewable energy philosophy on the people and businesses of Maine,” said CLF Executive Vice President and Maine Director Sean Mahoney. “It is a clear violation of a fundamental premise of government established by the Maine Constitution – the separation of powers between our three branches. Not only is it illegal, but it is also bad for Maine’s economy where businesses need to have certainty in order to invest. As with other decisions of this Governor concerning energy efficiency and solar power development, Mainers across the state will suffer from this outrageous effort to hamstring our economic future, and CLF will do everything in our power stop it.”

Photo: Wind turbines