Mar 12, 2018

Northern Pass Rejected Again by New Hampshire Agency

“This was a hail Mary effort of Northern Pass to meet the Massachusetts deadline and that hail Mary pass has failed,” said CLF attorney Melissa Birchard. “The New Hampshire siting committee unanimously rejected this bad proposal in February. The Committee is standing strong for the people of New Hampshire and will not allow Northern Pass to play fast and loose with the process. The writing is on the wall – Northern Pass is dead and Massachusetts must move on to a project that better serves the people of New England.”

Mar 07, 2018

Study Proves Clean Energy Can Power New England’s Future

The regional grid operator ISO-New England‘s long-awaited Operational Fuel-Security Analysis shows that more renewables, not more gas, will keep New England’s electric power system reliable – especially during winter cold-snaps. That supports what CLF, and the markets, have been saying now for several years – New England doesn’t need more gas-fired power plants or expensive… Continue reading Study Proves Clean Energy Can Power New England’s Future

Mar 07, 2018

Massachusetts Regulators Turn to New Project to Deliver Clean Energy

Eversource’s controversial Northern Pass transmission line is inching closer to its apparent demise after the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee voted during public deliberations last month to deny it a permit to build. Now, a new project, New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC), has emerged as its likely successor to win a lucrative contract to… Continue reading Massachusetts Regulators Turn to New Project to Deliver Clean Energy

Robin Jacobs / CC by 2.0
Mar 03, 2018

As giant storms hammer Boston, officials are doing little to prepare for them

… Elected officials catch much of the blame for the failure to have protections in place, but Deanna Moran, director of environmental planning for the Conservation Law Foundation in Boston, said that’s not entirely fair. “It’s not the just city or state leadership, we also need leadership from developers,” Moran said. “Some of the easiest… Continue reading As giant storms hammer Boston, officials are doing little to prepare for them

Mar 02, 2018

Vermont Yankee Settlement Leaves Communities Vulnerable

“Vermonters are the losers in a recent agreement aimed to sweeten the deal for the sale of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant,” said CLF Senior Attorney Sandra Levine. “In a rush to secure a possible – and by no means certain – quick clean-up of the site, the settlement excludes reasonable protection for Vermont communities. The deal Entergy and NorthStar proposed leaves Vermonters vulnerable to picking up the tab if something goes wrong.”

Mar 01, 2018

Maine Senate Votes to Protect Solar Energy

“The Senate stood up for Mainers today by supporting our right to affordable, clean energy,” said CLF attorney Emily Green. “The PUC has tried to gut solar energy across our state by charging families and businesses for the energy they generate and use at home. Today, the Maine Senate stepped away from those bad policies, moving instead towards policy that creates jobs, lowers our energy bills, and makes local clean energy available to everyone.”

Good solar policy is important for the success of clean energy.
Mar 01, 2018

Northern Pass Fights Permit Rejection

“Northern Pass’s motion is an act of desperation,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President and Director of CLF New Hampshire. “After months of hearings, the committee recognized that Northern Pass would be bad for our state, harming the many communities in its path. New Hampshire has rejected this harmful project, and it should stay firmly off of the table.”

transmission lines