May 23, 2018

Massachusetts and Rhode Island Move Forward With Offshore Wind

“The clean, local energy generated by these projects will benefit all of New England. CLF is looking forward to working with those involved to ensure this project comes online quickly while minimizing environmental impacts for endangered right whales and other critical species.”

May 22, 2018

Environmental group objects to zoning that allows waterfront towers

The “private benefits your decision confers on a few private developers dwarf any public benefits being provided,” wrote Heather Miller and Peter Shelley, attorneys for the group. “Critically and fatally to your decision, nowhere do you even articulate exactly how this project primarily serves a public purpose.”

May 22, 2018

Clean Renewable Energy Is the Key to a Resilient Electric Grid in New England

New analysis from the regional grid operator, ISO New England (ISO), confirms what CLF and other experts have been saying for some time: New England doesn’t need expensive natural gas pipelines to keep the lights on and our homes warm even during our harshest winters. In fact, thanks to the growth of clean, renewable energy,… Continue reading Clean Renewable Energy Is the Key to a Resilient Electric Grid in New England

Clean, renewable energy like wind and solar are ramping up in New England.
May 15, 2018

Reclaiming the People’s Harbor

A wave of luxury development threatens to wall off the experience of Boston Harbor from the people who paid to clean it up, just as the waterfront was once literally walled off behind the city’s Central Artery expressway. CLF Senior Counsel Peter Shelley remembers the original campaign to clean up the Boston Harbor, and continues to work on current issues of equity and fairness.

Boston Harbor
May 15, 2018

CLF Sues EPA Over Rollback of Clean Car Standards

“The impacts of weakening these landmark standards will be widespread and severe,” said Emily Green, CLF Staff Attorney. “American families and businesses will be forced to pay more at the pump for gas, while the air we breathe becomes dirtier and the health of our communities is put at risk.”

EPA revokes state authority to set vehicle emissions standards
May 14, 2018

Climate Change Preparedness on Trial

Harvey. Irma. Maria. Nate. Last year, during a 45-day period, eight consecutive named storms strengthened into hurricanes. All told, the 2017 hurricane season was the most expensive in history, causing more than $200 billion in damage nationwide. Meanwhile, so-called 100-year floods are becoming so common the metric is losing its meaning and utility. For instance,… Continue reading Climate Change Preparedness on Trial

May 10, 2018

Final Showdown Begins Between Invenergy, CLF, and Burrillville Residents

For two years, Invenergy has been trying to build an unneeded, unwanted fossil fuel power plant in the heart of a state forest in Burrillville, Rhode Island. But Burrillville – along with nearly every other town across the state – has stood against the project, as it would harm local communities, devastate an important wildlife corridor,… Continue reading Final Showdown Begins Between Invenergy, CLF, and Burrillville Residents

The Invenergy Final Hearing resumed this week
May 09, 2018

When It Comes to Climate Change, the Kids are Alright

In Maine, 33 elementary- to high-school-age kids have forced the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to consider regulating climate-damaging emissions. These kids, joined by CLF, hundreds of registered voters, and other environmental organizations, filed a petition that requires the DEP to hold a public hearing – scheduled for May 15, 2018  – on the need for and scope of such regulations.

Maine youth
May 07, 2018

CLF Continues Fight Against Northern Pass

“Eversource continues to go through the procedural steps necessary to keep the Northern Pass project on life support, but the project is largely dead,” said Melissa Birchard, CLF staff attorney.