Jun 20, 2018

Clashing Over Carbon

In 2014, the Commonwealth’s groundbreaking climate change law, the Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA), was gathering dust as the State missed key deadlines for putting in place required regulations to cut its greenhouse gas emissions. CLF decided to fight for full implementation.

Jenny Rushlow
Jun 14, 2018

Massachusetts Senate Passes Comprehensive Environmental Bill

“This legislation is an important step forward in combatting climate change, growing real local jobs, and making Massachusetts a healthier place to live. It works to ensure that we will meet our 2050 climate mandate by setting a reasonable timeline with milestones along the way, while adding protection for vulnerable communities and our workforce. We urge the House to follow the Senate’s lead and pass this legislation.”

Massachusetts State House
Jun 08, 2018

What Is Net Metering?

Strong net metering policies are a critical step on our path towards a local, clean energy future.

net metering on solar panels in Maine
Jun 07, 2018

Mayors Climate Summit: Less Talk, More Action

Today, hundreds of mayors are convening in Boston to talk about climate change. We’re calling on them to walk the walk when it comes to climate action – these solutions can’t wait.

Jun 06, 2018

In Boston’s booming Seaport, the namesake is also the threat

But despite the changes, there’s still no requirement for developers to follow through, complained Bradley Campbell, president of the Conservation Law Foundation, an environmental advocacy group.

“It’s a largely procedural requirement,” he said.

Jun 05, 2018

Win Quayle, Esq.

I am a longtime supporter of CLF. As I transition into retirement, I am pleased to follow in the footsteps of friends and a former colleague who have made significant volunteer contributions to the organization. Much of my work relates to CLF’s mission to build healthy communities and promote environmental justice, such as increasing resilience to extreme weather events and addressing the urban heat island effect.… Continue reading Win Quayle, Esq.

Jun 04, 2018

Region’s power grid is changing dramatically

“What this means for New Englanders is that there is less need than ever for new fossil fuel infrastructure (including both new natural gas pipelines and new fossil fuel power plants) as more and more lower cost renewables replace older, higher-cost fossil fuel power plants,” writes Jerry Elmer.