Aug 03, 2018

Judge Lets LePage Wind Moratorium Stand, But in Name Only

Last month, a Maine Superior Court judge dismissed CLF’s lawsuit against the LePage administration’s executive order that places a moratorium on new wind power developments in most of the state. The true losers in this case are not CLF and our co-plaintiffs, however. They are the people of Maine, our pursuit of energy independence, and our ability to create good, local jobs in a thriving new industry.

Aug 02, 2018

EPA Rolls Back Clean Car Standards

“The EPA and NHTSA are prioritizing fossil fuel interests over the health of our communities,” said CLF Staff Attorney Emily K. Green. “Strong vehicle emissions standards are critical to addressing climate change, and weakening them will put the health of millions of Americans at risk. This decision disproportionately harms the most vulnerable among us, while forcing families and businesses to pay more at the pump. We will continue to fight this rollback with every tool available.”

Clean car standards are good for our health, good for the environment, and good for our wallets.
Jul 31, 2018

Massachusetts Legislature Fails to Take Meaningful Action on Clean Energy

This week, Massachusetts had a chance to make meaningful progress on clean energy. With a slew of bills in front of them, the legislature was poised to minimize electricity costs, bolster local job growth, and protect its people from the worst effects of climate change. Instead, our legislators made only half-hearted nods towards progress, falling… Continue reading Massachusetts Legislature Fails to Take Meaningful Action on Clean Energy

The Massachusetts Legislature missed their chance to lead on energy today. Photo Credit: Shutterstock.
Jul 17, 2018

How to Modernize Our Electricity Grid

Our electricity grid was designed over 100 years ago. But our technology has evolved since then. Clean, renewable energy from solar panels and wind turbines is available right where we live. But we need a smarter, more modern grid to make the most of it.

an electricity tranmission tower and wires against a blue sky with a solar flare. It is from viewpoint of looking up from the ground.
Jul 05, 2018

Scott Pruitt Resigns from EPA

“Don’t be fooled by the devil on his way out the door because there’s another one waiting in the wings,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “There is no doubt that the next EPA administrator will be another Scott Pruitt—in bed with the fossil fuel industry and rolling back environmental protections with a vengeance.”