Sep 06, 2018

Invenergy Heads for Final Approval Hearings

The Final Hearing to decide if Invenergy will be allowed to build its fracked gas and diesel oil power plant in Rhode Island is underway. By law, the most important questions to be answered by the state’s Energy Facility Siting Board: Is this plant really needed (it’s not) and would the plant cause unacceptable environmental harms (it would).

The Final Hearing for Invenergy is underway
Sep 04, 2018

Massachusetts Court Upholds and Reinforces Major Climate Law

“Today’s decision is an unqualified win for climate leadership in Massachusetts,” said Bradley Campbell, President of CLF. “Carbon pollution poses a major threat to our environment, our health, and our economy, and the Court’s opinion is a resounding call for the electricity sector to offer climate solutions rather than resistance and roadblocks.”

Aug 30, 2018

Sandra Levine: A surprising failure on clean energy

You know that sinking feeling? The one where you think you’ve done a good job, but it turns out you didn’t. That’s the boat Vermont finds itself in right now when it comes to tackling climate change. We thought we were leading. But in fact we are falling behind.

Aug 24, 2018

Court Upholds Ban on Loading Crude Oil on South Portland Waterfront

“Today’s decision is a huge win for the city of South Portland, and it proves that local action can make a difference,” said Sean Mahoney, Executive Vice President and Director of CLF Maine. “Big oil tried every legal trick in the book to try and invalidate this ordinance and they lost on every count.”

Aug 21, 2018

New EPA Emissions Rules Threaten Public Health and the Environment

“By rolling back the Clean Power Plan, the Trump administration is once again ignoring science and turning its back on the American people,” said Greg Cunningham, Vice President and Director of CLF’s Clean Energy and Climate Change program. “Increased carbon emissions threaten our lives, our economy, and our environment. It is our government’s legal responsibility to reduce the public health menace that is carbon pollution. It is imperative for states to step up and stop this administration’s attempt to turn back time on clean energy progress.”

Emissions from fossil fuels are hampering progress on climate
Aug 12, 2018

Federal Proposal to Price Carbon Should be Considered, then Rejected

When Representative Carlos Curbelo proposed a price on carbon recently, he garnered a lot of attention among energy hawks, and not just because he is a Republican. The Trump administration has been busy scrubbing all references to human-caused climate change from its policies – and instead pushing hard to deepen our addiction to coal, oil,… Continue reading Federal Proposal to Price Carbon Should be Considered, then Rejected

Aug 08, 2018

Rhode Island General Assembly Fails to Make Progress on Environmental Initiatives, But Some Bad Bills Defeated

When the Rhode Island General Assembly convened for its 2018 session, CLF and our partners focused on several key measures aimed at combating climate change, reforming how energy projects are sited, and protecting our waters from offshore drilling. With progress on these issues stalled (or moving in reverse) at the national level, state and local… Continue reading Rhode Island General Assembly Fails to Make Progress on Environmental Initiatives, But Some Bad Bills Defeated