Apr 01, 2021
No state here in New England has required its utilities to assess their vulnerability to climate change – or take action to prepare for it. With our homes, lives, and livelihoods at stake, allowing utilities to be so unprepared is irresponsible and simply too big a risk to take. CLF is pushing to change that – starting with Massachusetts.
Mar 30, 2021
UPDATE: The Rhode Island legislature passed the Act On Climate 2021 bill, which will put the state on track to lowering its climate-damaging emissions and help Rhode Islanders benefit from the transition to a clean energy economy. After a final review, the bill will go to Governor McKee to sign into law.
Mar 29, 2021
“After four years of Trump obstructing clean energy and promoting dirty fuels at every turn, President Biden’s focus on offshore wind comes not a moment too soon,” said Bradley Campbell, President of CLF. “Wind has the potential to power our homes, our green economy, and our transition away from polluting fossil fuels for good. However, projects must be responsibly sited to protect ocean life as well. Today’s announcement should be a boon to New England’s nascent wind industry and a strong start to the administration’s pledge to have a zero-emission grid by 2035.”
Mar 26, 2021
After years of advocacy from CLF and our partners, Massachusetts has passed a critical climate and environmental justice bill that updates our existing climate law and adds protections for historically marginalized communities.
Mar 26, 2021
“Massachusetts is already seeing the impacts of the climate crisis so we must continue to lead on bold climate policy,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Interim Director of CLF Massachusetts. “As this bill becomes law, we can finally begin the essential work of slashing emissions and creating a safer, more sustainable future for all residents. Governor Baker must work quickly to implement new rules that ensure the state’s ambitious climate goals are realized.”
Mar 23, 2021
“Both the House and Senate clearly recognize that we are running out of time to confront the climate crisis,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “We must prioritize slashing polluting emissions and protecting frontline communities from the impacts of climate change, and this bill will hold Rhode Island accountable for doing both. Now we need Governor McKee to sign this bill into law so we can get to work.”
Mar 23, 2021
The Springfield City Council will challenge Palmer Renewable Energy’s decade-old building permit with the help of the nonprofit Conservation Law Foundation of Boston.
Mar 18, 2021
“This legislation, passed with veto-proof majorities, is a momentous step forward in confronting the climate crisis and protecting communities that suffer first and worst from climate change,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Interim Director of CLF Massachusetts. “The Legislature honored its pledge to return the bill quickly to Governor Baker’s desk and incorporated changes to address administration concerns without weakening the bill. It’s past time for Governor Baker to sign the bill into law and get on with the important work of cutting emissions and forging the path to a safer and more sustainable future.”
Mar 16, 2021
“This bill is long overdue as Rhode Island continues to lag our neighbors in putting strong climate laws on the books,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “Our current climate law is woefully out of date and offers no guidance for how to combat climate change in the Ocean State. The bill passed today will ensure that we slash polluting emissions and protect communities from climate threats. The House must now take it up and get it passed.”
Mar 12, 2021
Any plan to lower emissions in Massachusetts must not only consider how to cut the largest sources of carbon pollution – for the Commonwealth, that’s transportation and heating – but also how to ensure all residents have equal access to its solutions.