Apr 22, 2021
“President Biden’s ambitious goal promises the aggressive push we need to confront the existential threat that is the climate crisis,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Several New England states have already committed to strong, science-based reductions in climate-damaging emissions, and it’s time the rest of the country catches up with our leadership.”
Apr 21, 2021
The water is used in the plant for cooling, and “waste heat from the boilers ends up in the cooling waters, which are then discharged,” as Irwin explained. Impingement occurs when fish are sucked up and smashed into grates in the river meant to prevent logs and other debris from entering the plant. Oftentimes, the delicate fish are killed on impact.
Apr 16, 2021
“Dirty, industrial biomass pollutes our neighborhoods and has no place in our clean energy future,” said Kirstie Pecci, Interim Director of CLF’s Environmental Justice program. “Massachusetts residents deserve clean air and a livable future. The Commonwealth should not subsidize power plants or incinerators that will harm communities already bearing the brunt of local pollution and climate impacts.”
Apr 16, 2021
We find ourselves on the cusp of a sea change in how we transport people and goods as we urgently work to cut the climate-damaging emissions that spew from New Englanders’ tailpipes.
Apr 10, 2021
“With the climate crisis at our doorstep, this law comes not a moment too soon,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “Slashing emissions and protecting frontline communities from devastating climate impacts must be our top priorities, and this new law ensures we do just that. Now we need to get to work turning Rhode Island’s climate goals into reality.”
Apr 08, 2021
Biden’s infrastructure package represents a critical investment in our future, infusing much-needed funding to ramp up New England’s transition to a carbon-free economy by 2050.
Apr 08, 2021
We’re tackling transportation from all sides.
Apr 05, 2021
We are back in a world where the federal government is leading on climate change. New Hampshire needs to follow.
Apr 02, 2021
“The last thing the asthma capital of the U.S. needs is a plant spewing air pollution and further imperiling public health,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Interim Director of CLF Massachusetts. “Springfield residents made their opposition to this polluting plant clear, and DEP officials have handed them a win today. The fact is that burning biomass is neither clean nor renewable and it should be left in the past with fossil fuels.”