Our Movement for Clean Energy Can’t Be Held Back
Our regional electricity grid operator, ISO-New England, must stop supporting the dirty fossil fuels at the root of the climate crisis.

Our regional electricity grid operator, ISO-New England, must stop supporting the dirty fossil fuels at the root of the climate crisis.
Those forced to live with environmental injustice are often ignored when it comes to issues that affect their daily lives. A new project in Lawrence, Massachusetts, seeks to puts put residents in the lead.
Gas stoves, which use dirty fossil fuels, put our health and environment at risk by releasing toxic gasses into the air and atmosphere.
“The Merrimack Station coal plant is destroying the health of the Merrimack River and it’s time they’re held accountable,” said Greg Cunningham, Vice President and Director of CLF’s Clean Energy and Climate Change program. “The permit for this fossil fuel plant must do more to protect this iconic waterbody, and the appeals board clearly agrees. CLF will continue to work with the EPA to make sure the next iteration of this permit protects the wildlife that call the river home.”
New Hampshire may update its State Energy Strategy, a critical opportunity to include cutting climate-damaging emissions.
The past year has shown us what we can accomplish when faced with unprecedented upheaval. Now we are focused on driving forward a future that is equitable and healthy for all – while also confronting the most urgent environmental threats in the here and now. The work we do together in the next five years… Continue reading Conservation Matters Summer 2021: Year in Review
Grassroots organizing led to a big win over Big Oil in Maine. And while the case continues, residents are not sitting idle.
Extended heat waves, stronger nor’easters, more intense and frequent rainstorms – these are some of the climate impacts expected to affect New England. But they will hit some communities harder than others. Those living in urban areas with little tree cover, for example, suffer more when heat waves strike. The acres of buildings and pavement… Continue reading Here’s What Climate Action Led By and For the Community Looks Like
“We consider this an imminent threat,” Campbell said. “That’s why we bought the lawsuit. And we have brought similar lawsuits at similar facilities.”
“A flood at one of these terminals would spell disaster for surrounding communities,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Yet both Shell and Gulf have failed to prepare for increasingly frequent extreme weather and have even sought to expand their facilities without addressing climate risk. These big oil companies must take the necessary steps to prevent oil and toxic chemicals from flooding into nearby homes and waterways.”