The Good, Bad, and Everything In Between in Vermont’s New Climate Action Plan
Vermont just released a roadmap to reach the targets of our Global Warming Solutions Act. Let’s dive into some of what it got right and what needs more work.
Vermont just released a roadmap to reach the targets of our Global Warming Solutions Act. Let’s dive into some of what it got right and what needs more work.
“The climate crisis is putting Vermont’s communities at risk as we speak,” said Elena Mihaly, Vice President of CLF Vermont. “The Climate Action Plan is a huge first step in slashing polluting emissions, building smarter, and prioritizing communities overburdened by climate impacts. We’ll be pushing to make sure the implementation of the plan prioritizes cleaning up our transportation systems and transitioning to truly clean heat and electricity. Our homes, land, and critical resources can’t wait.”
“TCI was never going to be enough to address the impacts and needs of the region’s transportation systems,” said Staci Rubin, Vice President of Environmental Justice at CLF. “Transportation is the largest source of planet-warming emissions in New England, and our current systems have overburdened communities of color with air pollution for decades. We must overhaul the way we move people and goods, and it must be done in a way that recognizes and addresses these historic inequities and brings everyone to the table in finding a solution. CLF will continue to work with impacted communities and our states to move that process forward.”
An international climate conference in Glasgow just ended. It’s left me feeling frustrated and angry, but I know I can still find hope in local action.
Our forests, open spaces, farms, and ocean can help us fight the climate crisis if we responsibly manage and conserve them. It’s time for Congress to invest in natural climate solutions now.
The House Oversight Committee recently held a hearing to interrogate Big Oil executives about their companies’ decades of deliberate climate disinformation. A disappointing yet unsurprising outcome tells us it’s time for more climate mandates for real accountability.
Perched on the edge of the Providence River, Shell Oil’s storage facility is a disaster waiting to happen. Built on filled land at sea level, the facility sits directly in harm’s way as climate change impacts worsen. Despite knowing these risks, Shell Oil has failed to prepare its facility for climate change. CLF’s Case against… Continue reading Video: Why We’re Holding Shell Oil Accountable for Its Climate Change Impacts
“Boston has the opportunity to be a national leader in tackling these overlapping crises head-on,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “Climate, justice, and transportation issues affect everyone in Boston, and we’ve historically seen little progress on these issues. It’s time for Mayor-Elect Wu to make these issues a priority and commit to real progress that will positively impact the entire city.”
Thousands of hazardous waste sites and chemical facilities across New England are unprepared for the impacts of climate change. The failure of regulators to require such preparation leaves the health of our communities and our environment in jeopardy.
Climate impacts are here now, but are our communities ready for them? Here’s what we must do to get climate ready.