Dec 09, 2024

Clean Heat

If New Englanders hope to address the climate crisis, more of us must upgrade our old oil boilers and gas furnaces to electric heat. Our buildings are responsible for nearly a third of all the carbon pollution overheating our planet.

buildings in Back Bay Boston from above
Dec 06, 2024

Girding the Grid for Climate Change

Supercharged storms are rampaging through towns and cities like a bull liberated from a pen, crashing through a fragile utility infrastructure that, in many cases, has not changed in a century. U tility companies submit to the onslaught of storms, repair the damage, then obediently wait for more and do it all over again.


A home with power lines covered in snow
Nov 19, 2024

Flawed Climate Report Puts Groups’ Interests First

These organizations are recycling a tired refrain we’ve heard every time New England takes bold steps toward 100 percent clean energy. It’s time to stop letting corporate interests try to bully us out of what’s best for our wallets, health, and future.

Clean, renewable energy like wind and solar are ramping up in New England.