Dec 21, 2022
“With climate impacts already at our doorsteps, now is the time to take action for the future,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “This plan is on the right track, especially when it comes to phasing out fossil fuels in our homes and on our roads. But we need to do more on environmental justice to make sure that no communities are left behind in the years ahead.”
Dec 19, 2022
Clean water is a fundamental human right, and we at CLF are dedicated to defending it.
Dec 19, 2022
“With this announcement, it’s clear that Governor-elect Healey is treating the climate crisis with the urgency our future demands,” said CLF President Brad Campbell. “Choosing someone of Melissa’s stature and experience sends a strong signal and she will push the administration to hit the ground running on day one. Massachusetts communities are already feeling the impacts of the climate crisis and now is the time for bold action.”
Dec 16, 2022
“Rhode Island clearly has a lot of work to do when it comes to meeting the demands of the climate crisis,” said Darrèll Brown, Vice President of CLF Rhode Island. “The plan that the council approved today is a good first step, and it recommends some much-needed policies like electrifying transit fleets and expanding incentives for clean, efficient heat pumps. But this experience showed us how much time it takes to create an inclusive climate plan – we need to get to work now on the plan’s next iteration which is due in 2025.”
Dec 14, 2022
As I’m writing this, in the beginning of December, I can’t help but think about how mild Vermont’s weather is right now. We’ve got some rain, small flurries, and chilly temperatures, sure – but nothing like the December snow I remember even just a few years ago. My kids and I could count on great… Continue reading Victory: Vermont Agency Adopts Rules for more Electric, Pollution-Free Vehicles
Dec 05, 2022
COP27 demonstrated once again that in the absence of leadership and accountability, good intentions on climate are no match for the power wielded by the fossil fuel industry.
Nov 30, 2022
“We can’t burn our way out of this problem,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “Burning oil and gas in our homes pollutes our air and worsens the effects of the climate crisis. The commission’s report is absolutely correct: we need to start planning now for a cleaner future without gas, whether it’s fossil gas or alternative methane gases.”
Nov 29, 2022
Fixing emergency power outages can cost electricity companies millions of dollars – costs they pass on to their customers. It is time for utility companies to update and reinforce their infrastructure to make it more capable of withstanding these storms.
Nov 21, 2022
Vermont can do more to protect residents and communities from the devastating impacts of flooding.
Nov 21, 2022
Transitioning to clean energy and achieving climate justice require hard choices, and progressives and environmentalists need to recognize that those choices are necessary. The work to achieve a cleaner, more equitable future will not be possible unless we lead the cause of permitting reform and stop ceding that ground to the opposition.